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triangle low poly mesh

Hi,it is killing me! :poly118::poly118::poly118::poly118: Does xnormal not support triangle low poly mesh?
Every time it says that my high poly size scale is lower than one. This error does not happen when there is no triangle in my low poly mesh,all quad. How to solve this problem? If I scale up high poly mesh,the map generation works but the generated map is ugly. Any idea guys? Seriously,I have to retopolize all sothat everything is made of quad?????? Thats so fucking hard!:(:(:(


  • Bek
    Offline / Send Message
    Bek interpolator
    Triangulated low poly is fine (and what you want anyway).

    The error you're getting is probably just the warning saying that your mesh scales are small and (may) give bad results. If you increase the scale of BOTH meshes (xnormal has an option for this, either in baking options or for each mesh, high and low. It's called import scale for memory. Set that to 10 for both. I'm guessing from your post you only scaled up the high but not the low, hence the useless bake.
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