i was wondering if there were some really highly recommended books to help improve my skills. I'm a modeler and like to build models mostly character models but i still need to learn level design because building scenes is also something i like.
i also understand no 1 book is for everyone and that just reading a book wont make me a great modeler however i really need some help and i bought "[digital] Modeling" by William Vaughan and it has improved my skills by a lot and i still can learn more from it however it is only on some basic human modeling with maya and zbrush and would love a few more tutorials and perspectives on character design as well as level design.
would also like to know about some texture tutorials and advice with using a tablet for the first time.
[ame="http://www.amazon.com/Bridgmans-Drawing-Dover-Anatomy-Artists/dp/0486227103/ref=sr_1_3?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1367124823&sr=1-3&keywords=bridgman"]Bridgman's Life Drawing (Dover Anatomy for Artists): George B. Bridgman: 9780486227108: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]
[ame="http://www.amazon.com/Constructive-Anatomy-Dover-Artists/dp/0486211045/ref=sr_1_8?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1367124823&sr=1-8&keywords=bridgman"]Constructive Anatomy (Dover Anatomy for Artists): George B. Bridgman: 0800759211043: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]
[ame="http://www.amazon.com/Human-Machine-Dover-Anatomy-Artists/dp/0486227073/ref=pd_sim_b_6"]The Human Machine (Dover Anatomy for Artists) (9780486227078): George B. Bridgman: Books[/ame]
you also need a few good anatomy books.
Richter / Hale
[ame="http://www.amazon.com/Artistic-Anatomy-Dr-Paul-Richer/dp/0823002977/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1367124440&sr=1-1&keywords=artistic+anatomy"]Artistic Anatomy: Dr. Paul Richer, Robert Beverly Hale: 9780823002979: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]
[ame="http://www.amazon.com/The-Human-Figure-Anatomy-Artists/dp/0140042431/ref=sr_1_sc_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1367124634&sr=1-1-spell&keywords=rubans+human"]The Human Figure: An Anatomy for Artists: David K. Rubins: 9780140042436: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]
there are many others. try to avoid Hogarth. his stuff looks cool but is not good anatomy reference.
you need to learn how to sculpt and draw. 'digital' has nothing to do with it.
Unless you really want books (but if you do, I don't really think there are really any good/up to date books out there), I would personally suggest taking a look at sites such as 3dmotive/eat3D/digitalTutors for actual usage of the programs/workflows and so on.
Can't really think of any book that is as good as the tutorials on those sites.
if you want to do characters, there are some good anatomy books out there, but for that you will have to wait for a character artist or someone who knows more about that to drop by the thread ^^
the Renaissance started over 500 years ago. just about every good book on anatomy for the past 500 years has referenced the principles established at that time. until human anatomy radically changes your safe with any good book from the past 500 years. thats what i consider a 'new' book on anatomy. you want to go back 600, 700, 800 years etc the techniques get a bit shaky.
for anatomy, and general art, as I said, I agree and books are excellent
i think you need to do both then. you need to get your drawing and sculpting skills in order and get anatomy books and solid reference from the masters.
you also need to get technical dvds from gnomon, digital tutors etc to get your software skills and techniques in check.
and i will look at those anatomy books too. however i already have a few acupressure books which deal with basic anatomy.
what you need is 'artistic anatomy'. not gray's anatomy (no relation)
all those topics are covered in artistic anatomy and figure drawing books. and in most cases the older the book the better the information.
[ame="http://www.amazon.com/dp/024082394X/ref=cm_sw_su_dp"]Face It: A Visual Reference for Multi-ethnic Facial Modeling: Patricia Beckmann Wells, Scott Wells: 9780240823942: Amazon.com: Books[/ame]
nice find on that one. looks like an awesome book.
Thanks for that one, ordered!