Ciao polycount!
I'm coming up to the end of university soon and I am starting to apply for some jobs (Scary stuff) and thought it was time to post my portfolio on polycount for some feedback. I've literally been terrified to do this since I started 3D a year and a half ago, just because the quality of work on here is so great it's sometime's intimidating!
I am very, very open to feedback as I know my work isn't too great, but all I want to do is improve and finally smash that dream of working in the industry.
Portfolio is at:
Some work:

Thanks so much guys

Endless Polycount love.
Also you probably need a resume separate to your linked in, I get this message if I try and view it: "Full profiles for 3rd-degree connections are available only to premium account holders."
Overall the portfolio design is really good! Great work and navigating is easy. My only crit is that when you hover over a category, the text and background color that appear covers the whole image. Personally I'd still like to know what I'm hovering over. Perhaps only make it go up part way, or have transparency on it? Just a nitpick :P
Keep up the great work!
I suggest you also look at high resolution photographs of 'blued' pistols, like the Walther and the 1911.
Good luck with your the chair piece.
er... hmm... moving on, then...
In the wartime bedroom, the seam between the floor boards feels much too thick, and the floor texture overall just doesn't match the quality of the textures on the walls. The newspapers seem a bit too orderly - since you were going for a very low-poly scene, you obviously didn't want to was too many polygons on them, but I think bending the odd corner would make them look a bit less staged. A normal map might also help to give them a feeling of depth - seams, wrinkles, that sort of thing. The blanket also feels a bit forced - it doesn't look like it was tossed aside when the occupant got out of bed, but it also doesn't look like the bed was made. The lighting implies some sort of ceiling light, but I couldn't see any. The door frame is much too thick - it should be about as thick as the wooden border are the base of the wall. On a very minor note, you wrote "handp ainted" instead of "hand-painted" in the description.
If possible, when you are basing a piece on a concept, you should post a link to the concept's site, if not to the image itself. You might also want to get the artist's consent; legal issues aside, it's polite and most concept artists love to see what others have done with their work.
I agree with Boozebeard about creating a separate page for your resume, possibly including a link to a downloadable version.