hey guys just finished from university for a while so I thought i would set myself a challenge on something I consider myself considerably poor on and that's texturing , so i thought i would model sculpt and texture thor's hammer

, love the character so thought i would give it a try

here is my initial reference research, their alor of different variations of thor's hammer but i think im going to stick to the one they used in the Marvel Movie
heres where im at with my proportions, I did model this using a reference in the background so im hoping its close if not bang on .. i hope

with the basics there i took a quick look at the hammers colours, i will be sculpting this in ZBrush so these close up images will be great for capturing the details

let me know what you guys think or if you could point me in the direction of some good texturing tutorials that would be ace

Just read this, sorry. Hmm ill look for it but I think I had a copy on my website. If not ill find it and post it for u by tomorrow. I did all of it in zbrush
and yes Boozebeard i would agree i do need to flair the handle out more thanks alot
which one do you think looks right ?
didnt want to go over the top with the scratches, deciding how im going to add the celticy symbols , maybe later on during the retop , ill see what it looks like in xbrush and go from there
As for the rock/pedestal base, I would give it more time and attention than you have above. Just because its a base for the piece doesn't mean it doesn't deserve some careful consideration and as it stands now it detracts from the whole piece. I would go back and look at some reference images of rocks and bolder heated by intense heat, since the Mjolnir fell from the heavens.
Another thing you need to take a look at is the way you use your UV space, you have a lot of waste at the moment that could be best used to up the resolution of this piece.
I think by taking some of these point into consideration it will increase the quality of your overall piece. As it stands its a good piece but you just need to give it that extra bit of love.