im wondering for a good engine to start out to try and learn the physics engines and such, but not sure what to use as starter and what is easiest to learn.
if anyone could help that would be great
(starting a game soon)
i started out with UDK because it was taught in my school's course and im loving it so far ive gotten advanced with the particle system and material editor with just messing around the engine and surfing around google and youtube its free to download also i haven't tried any other engine but UDK seems like a dependable starter engine.
really depends on the game, all the engines are a little different in both workflow and end result. and some are better for different things.
unity I find to be the best general use engine. but if your making a shooter, I would so go udk, or ce3, since they are already made and setup for those kinda game mechanics, and have supperior rendering.
unity I find to be the best general use engine. but if your making a shooter, I would so go udk, or ce3, since they are already made and setup for those kinda game mechanics, and have supperior rendering.
also the udk material system is amazing!