I am asking for feedback on my work associated with the creation of my British Cromwell tank. I am open to any criticism as it is useful for both my written report element and for myself to learn from. This is my first attempt at being in a modelling pipeline, and my first proper 3D Model so please don't be too brutal if there is anything criminally wrong with it. Thanks a lot for your time!
Are you at the same school of Marcus ?
Your work is pretty good but at the end your tank seems like a toy.
I think this feling came from the Grass size but not only. I think the green of your tank is a little bit flashy and some part are a little bit bigger than they are suppose to be.
Add dirt on your tank is a good idea why don't you add bullets impact and burn on the canon?
Thanks for the feedback, I will certainly take that on board. To be honest, I was considering adding further to it once the assignment has been submitted so I will look at dents/bullet holes etc. And I am a first year student at Staffordshire University.
Good work, Nice solid model for your first attempt I can see some areas where your polycount could be lower, like near the front mud flaps.
You have utilised your UV packing space well, I see alot of people from Staffs leaving it fairly empty.
I have noticed you could use more detail on your specular map to really convey more detail of your grime, maybe add scratches around the edges of corners where wear would more likely occur.
Your Edge work in the high poly is very tight, should probably soften it for next time and better normal casting,
Textures are good, need more focus and thought into placement of rust and dirt,
Specular is too shiny, looks a bit like plastic rather than metal
SHould overlay metal scratches into the specular to get some inconsistency in texture not just flat
Nice model. For improvements I'd suggest looking into making the hatches appear less flat. In your images and turntable they look as if they've been painted onto the surface.
UDK Beauty Renders:
Your work is pretty good but at the end your tank seems like a toy.
I think this feling came from the Grass size but not only. I think the green of your tank is a little bit flashy and some part are a little bit bigger than they are suppose to be.
Add dirt on your tank is a good idea why don't you add bullets impact and burn on the canon?
You have utilised your UV packing space well, I see alot of people from Staffs leaving it fairly empty.
I have noticed you could use more detail on your specular map to really convey more detail of your grime, maybe add scratches around the edges of corners where wear would more likely occur.
Textures are good, need more focus and thought into placement of rust and dirt,
Specular is too shiny, looks a bit like plastic rather than metal
SHould overlay metal scratches into the specular to get some inconsistency in texture not just flat
OTherwise good work