Hey all, I have played around with a few variations of lighting (both in marmoset and UDK), and for some reason my normal maps looks considerably weaker in UDK and Cryengine when compared to how they look in Marmoset, I hope it is possible to achieve this Marmoset look in UDK, Any help would be greatly appreciated as this problem is stopping me progressing further.
Edit, i should add only normal and AO maps have been used.
I downloaded a normal map from google and tried that incase my normals were the problem, same thing, really washed out in udk, fine in marmoset.
maybe its a problem with UDK settings?
By default it was set to 0.3, i tried changing it to 0.8, however the normal map looks the same
and see if they can get a look similar to the marmoset one?
maybe its just my UDK?
Looks fine to me, stuck the red channel of the normal into the diffuse
also if you managed to do it, can you send me the file? just so i can see if its my UDK settings or not, thanks.
Thanks for helping dude, That looks much better than my attempt, its missing some of those tiny details though, is that due to lighting? or...
so id suspect your lighting man.
oh and sorry also I threw it on a default mesh and obviously I don't have the texture, so its only showing a portion of the normals at work.
And, I would say it's not really a fair comparison putting that UDK in house scene vs Marmoset. That light is very harch is Marmoset..
You actually don't need color to test. If the material will look good with 187,187,187 and 127,127,127 color texture then it will look good with proper color map.
Also remember to use Enviromental Probe with neutral (187,187,187) texture for test.
Anyway. Looks fine to me:
If it is still to weak for you, you can always duplicate normal map and overlay them on each other.