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Specular coefficient reference

I was wondering if there was a list of common materials (wood, iron, bronze, granite... Etc) along side their average specular/gloss coefficients. I see a lot of 'eyeing it' for gloss and specularity and I just think it would be nice to have a good starting point for basic materials. Does anyone use a particular list they could share?


  • Adam L. Gray
    Well, depending on the engine, art-style, post-processing, limits what have you, these values would vary. And I have come across such lists when working on certain projects, though they would reference to that particular games standard values.

    As such, eyeing it is really the best way to go, then develop your standard values for your particular project as you go along :3
  • TMiuccio
    Well, depending on the engine, art-style, post-processing, limits what have you, these values would vary. And I have come across such lists when working on certain projects, though they would reference to that particular games standard values.

    As such, eyeing it is really the best way to go, then develop your standard values for your particular project as you go along :3

    Ahh okay. I was looking specifically for texturing in 3dsmax specular mapping where it's determined by a defined black to white scale
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