This is my first year project a university. I have decided to do a Jagdpanzer. This is my first thing I have ever modeled and my course requires me to get some feed back. so please leave some feed back.
Tank Texture

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Look forward to the comment. will improve on the feed back given and it will be very useful to me
-The model is very blocky and overall shape is not the same as the jagdpanzer
-The diffuse is very confusing and hard too see whats what especially on the body.
-The blood stain/ bullet holes are very distracting concentrate on the basics
-The details on the texture are very random especially the camo, has no rhythm or reason to it.
-There is no edge wear of any kind to help show material definition, thats what makes something look like metal
Look at this model from COH, and study it
The model itself is very blocky, trying putting more geometry into it.
As far as what you got I can see you have a basic understanding of what's going on but you have a lot of problems. Try to work on cleaning up your unwrap, spend some quality time texturing, and work on presentation. Do some research on some tools you can use for texturing and presentation (zbrush, marmoset toolbag). Eat3d has a nice free tutorial on rendering and presentation too. Good luck and keep it up.