Hey everyone, this is my first post here on poly count!
I am taking a Computer Games Design course in which I am studying a Introduction to 3D Modelling (1b) module.
As apart of the course I am required to get feedback from the internet so any feedback you could give - postive and negative would be great!
(This is my first time modelling in general so I'm rather happy how well this has turned out, though I am aware it could be improved drastically

Normal Map
Specular Map
Diffuse Map (with Ambient Occlusion)
Final Low Poly Model - with Maps on
High Poly Model

To anyone that comments thanks in advance, it'd mean a lot to get some feedback. After I've finished with the course next week I will be improving my tank with any feedback I get to improve upon my modelling skills so all feedback will be used

Thanks polycount!
Good first work overall!
Here are wireframed versions on top of my actual tank. Hopefully this will allow you guys to add some feedback on how things were modelled. Please keep the feedback coming it's been good so far - if there are any other things you have noticed please do say I need a bit more feedback for my report
The tread shape is very odd. The treads should be tight, bending only when forced by the various wheels. You have distinct curves in the front and especially the rear that shouldn't be there. Part of the problem is an incorrect shape, part is caused by missing drive and recovery wheels. Take a closer look at your source to see how the track is actually shaped.
Treads can really be modeled as solid ribbons for most applications, animating the UVs to show movement. Most of the geometry can be shown with a simple alpha mask, although a normal map might be needed if the camera is going to be doing an extreme close-up of the treads. Most models use a smaller (e.g. 128 or 256) texture for the treads to simplify the animation.
On the texture overall, I'd really tone down the variations; aside from surface details (e.g. hatch lines) and insignia, you just won't see much variation from the base color. A subtle cloud overlay on top of the base color would probably serve you better than the current mottled appearance. I'd also add lines to show the surface details, and look into adding appropriate insignia to provide some color. If you have time to add weathering, try to look at actual war-time photos of similar vehicles.