Working on completing a 3d model that I will use to create a little game in Unity.
Can be viewed in unity web player at: --CURRENTLY DOWN - will be fixed tonight after work.
The entire thing is made from 3 meshes: the field mesh, the tower, and then the wooden stands section.
I took the edge of the field and created a line out of it, I then created all of the towers and stand pieces as instances of the originals and applied a path deform modifier on them to wrap them around the actual field (that is why on the one end of the field there is a gap).
All crits are welcome.

The banners for the stands. I will probably make each one 512x1024 later on and add another set of 4 squares that will be different.

I used a technique that was shown in the 4th noob challenge (3rd or 4th page) to create the grass.

Original texture from cgtextures with added color / variation and more depth added between the planks.