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Issues with weapons while trying to create a top-down vehicle combat prototype


I'm working with several friends on a top-down vehicular combat prototype. We noticed some really weird bugs in relation to our weapons and how they behaved. Each of us has tried researching the answers, but we've come up empty. Here's what we're having trouble with:
  • Can’t change height of firing the weapon while in top-down view.
  • Different weapons show up in third person view mode and disable driving.
  • Weapons are always enabled rather than being activated by pickups.

Any help with these would be greatly appreciated. At this point, we're at our wits end trying to find the answers! XD Thank you!


  • kite212
    Offline / Send Message
    kite212 polycounter lvl 16
    I think some more details would be appropriate here. If you are using kismet post some screen grabs or the nodes. If it Unreal script post your code. Shooting in the dark is dangerous.
  • Raptor-chan
    Sorry about that. I haven't been able to get ahold of my friends. Here's a copy of the log. I'm not sure if it will help, but it's worth a shot.
    This is a copy of the log file for the project:

    Log: Log file open, 04/24/13 21:59:48
    Init: WinSock: version 1.1 (2.2), MaxSocks=32767, MaxUdp=65467
    DevConfig: GConfig::Find has loaded file: ..\..\Engine\Config\ConsoleVariables.ini
    Init: Version: 10499
    Init: Epic Internal: 0
    Init: Compiled (64-bit): Dec 5 2012 16:19:36
    Init: Changelist: 1426632
    Init: Command line: editor
    Init: Base directory: C:\UDK\UDK-2012-10\Binaries\Win64\
    [0000.32] Init: Computer: RAPTOR-PC
    [0000.32] Init: User: Raptor
    [0000.32] Init: CPU Page size=4096, Processors=4
    [0000.32] Init: High frequency timer resolution =2.078388 MHz
    [0000.32] Init: Memory total: Physical=7.8GB (7GB approx) Pagefile=13.8GB Virtual=8192.0GB
    [0000.32] Log: Steam Client API Disabled!
    [0000.35] Init: WinSock: I am Raptor-PC (
    [0000.35] Init: Presizing for 0 objects not considered by GC, pre-allocating 0 bytes.
    [0000.35] Init: Object subsystem initialized
    [0000.42] Log: SystemSettings based on: SystemSettings
    [0000.43] Log: Shader platform (RHI): PC-D3D-SM3
    [0000.94] Log: PhysX GPU Support: DISABLED
    [0000.95] Init: Initializing FaceFX...
    [0000.95] Init: FaceFX 1.7.4 initialized.
    [0004.06] Init: Finished loading startup packages in 2.91 seconds
    [0004.07] Log: 81811 objects as part of root set at end of initial load.
    [0004.07] Log: 0 out of 0 bytes used by permanent object pool.
    [0006.30] Log: Supported Consoles:
    [0006.30] Log: IPhone
    [0006.30] Log: Mac
    [0006.30] Log: PC
    [0006.30] Log: Initializing Engine...
    [0006.42] Log: Encountered missing default brush - spawning new one
    [0006.43] Init: UEngine initialized
    [0006.43] Log: Primary PhysX scene will be in software.
    [0006.43] Log: Creating Primary PhysX Scene.
    [0006.44] Init: Transaction tracking system initialized
    [0006.46] Log: Can't find edit package 'OnlineSubsystemGameSpy'
    [0006.46] Log: Can't find edit package 'OnlineSubsystemLive'
    [0007.30] Init: XAudio2 using 'Speakers and Dual Headphones (IDT High Definition Audio CODEC)' : 2 channels at 48 kHz using 32 bits per sample (channel mask 0x3)
    [0007.41] Init: XAudio2Device initialized.
    [0007.44] Init: Client initialized
    [0007.44] Init: Editor engine initialized
    [0007.57] Log: Initializing Engine Completed
    [0007.57] Log: >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Initial startup: 7.57s <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    [0007.66] Cmd: MODE MAPEXT=udk
    [0007.86] SourceControl: Source Control disabled in UDKEditorUserSettings.ini. [SourceControl] has Disabled=True
    [0012.15] Log: TIMER ALL OF INIT : [11.196071]
    [0017.71] Cmd: MAP LOAD FILE="C:\UDK\UDK-2012-10\UDKGame\Content\Prototypes\2013.4\Team4\_MasterLevel_DBM.udk" TEMPLATE=0
    [0017.82] Log: Encountered missing default brush - spawning new one
    [0018.35] Log: -- Checking Building LODs
    [0018.36] Log: Primary PhysX scene will be in software.
    [0018.36] Log: Creating Primary PhysX Scene.
    [0018.37] Log: Finished looking for orphan Actors (0.005 secs)
    [0022.89] Log:
    ==== Worlds needing PIE Save:
    [0022.89] Log: _MasterLevel_DBM
    [0022.89] Log: DBM_Ryan
    [0022.89] Log: DBM_DTolliver
    [0022.89] Log: DBM_Lisa
    [0022.89] Log: DBM_Anthony
    [0022.89] Log: ==== 5 total
    [0022.96] Log: Built Phys StaticMesh Cache: 7.903 ms
    [0022.96] Log: COOKEDPHYSICS: 0 TriMeshes (0.000000 KB), 6 Convex Hulls (9.370117 KB) - Total 9.370117 KB
    [0022.99] Log: COOKEDPHYSICS: BSP 4.72 KB
    [0023.10] Log: Save=140.344344
    [0023.10] Log: Moving 'C:\UDK\UDK-2012-10\Binaries\Win64\..\..\UDKGame\Autosaves\UEDPIE_MasterLevel_DBM_save.tmp' to 'C:\UDK\UDK-2012-10\Binaries\Win64\..\..\UDKGame\Autosaves\UEDPIE_MasterLevel_DBM.udk'
    [0023.23] Log: Built Phys StaticMesh Cache: 2.107 ms
    [0023.23] Log: COOKEDPHYSICS: 0 TriMeshes (0.000000 KB), 0 Convex Hulls (0.000000 KB) - Total 0.000000 KB
    [0023.25] Log: COOKEDPHYSICS: BSP 0.42 KB
    [0023.40] Log: Save=168.561885
    [0023.40] Log: Moving 'C:\UDK\UDK-2012-10\Binaries\Win64\..\..\UDKGame\Autosaves\UEDPIEDBM_Ryan_save.tmp' to 'C:\UDK\UDK-2012-10\Binaries\Win64\..\..\UDKGame\Autosaves\UEDPIEDBM_Ryan.udk'
    [0023.54] Log: Built Phys StaticMesh Cache: 2.310 ms
    [0023.54] Log: COOKEDPHYSICS: 0 TriMeshes (0.000000 KB), 0 Convex Hulls (0.000000 KB) - Total 0.000000 KB
    [0023.58] Log: COOKEDPHYSICS: BSP 0.42 KB
    [0023.65] Log: Save=110.016994
    [0023.65] Log: Moving 'C:\UDK\UDK-2012-10\Binaries\Win64\..\..\UDKGame\Autosaves\UEDPIEDBM_DTolliver_save.tmp' to 'C:\UDK\UDK-2012-10\Binaries\Win64\..\..\UDKGame\Autosaves\UEDPIEDBM_DTolliver.udk'
    [0023.78] Log: Built Phys StaticMesh Cache: 4.783 ms
    [0023.78] Log: COOKEDPHYSICS: 0 TriMeshes (0.000000 KB), 2 Convex Hulls (5.873047 KB) - Total 5.873047 KB
    [0023.81] Log: COOKEDPHYSICS: BSP 0.42 KB
    [0023.90] Log: Save=116.975752
    [0023.90] Log: Moving 'C:\UDK\UDK-2012-10\Binaries\Win64\..\..\UDKGame\Autosaves\UEDPIEDBM_Lisa_save.tmp' to 'C:\UDK\UDK-2012-10\Binaries\Win64\..\..\UDKGame\Autosaves\UEDPIEDBM_Lisa.udk'
    [0024.02] Log: Built Phys StaticMesh Cache: 13.547 ms
    [0024.02] Log: COOKEDPHYSICS: 0 TriMeshes (0.000000 KB), 19 Convex Hulls (25.105469 KB) - Total 25.105469 KB
    [0024.04] Log: COOKEDPHYSICS: BSP 0.42 KB
    [0024.17] Log: Save=150.074481
    [0024.17] Log: Moving 'C:\UDK\UDK-2012-10\Binaries\Win64\..\..\UDKGame\Autosaves\UEDPIEDBM_Anthony_save.tmp' to 'C:\UDK\UDK-2012-10\Binaries\Win64\..\..\UDKGame\Autosaves\UEDPIEDBM_Anthony.udk'
    [0024.48] Log: Finished looking for orphan Actors (0.005 secs)
    [0024.48] Log: Spawned Clear paths rebuilt
    [0024.48] Log: Game class is 'April_1_Team4_GameInfo'
    [0024.51] Log: Primary PhysX scene will be in software.
    [0024.51] Log: Creating Primary PhysX Scene.
    [0024.52] Log: Bringing World uedpie_masterlevel_dbm.TheWorld up for play (0) at 2013.04.24-22.00.12
    [0024.55] Log: Bringing up level for play took: 0.041404
    [0024.74] Log: PIE: play in editor start time for UEDPIE_MasterLevel_DBM 2.061
    [0024.89] ScriptLog: Custom Pawn UP
    [0024.90] Cmd: SETSOUNDMODE Default
    [0024.90] ScriptLog: Begin PlayerVehicleState
    [0024.90] ScriptLog: spawnplayerinvehicle
    [0024.90] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Instigator'
    MachineLauncher_Weapon uedpie_masterlevel_dbm.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.MachineLauncher_Weapon_0
    Function utgame.UTWeapon:AttachWeaponTo:0339
    [0024.90] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Gun'
    Vehicle_DBM uedpie_masterlevel_dbm.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Vehicle_DBM_0
    Function utgame.UTVehicle:InitializeSeats:01D8
    [0024.90] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Instigator'
    Weapon_DBM uedpie_masterlevel_dbm.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Weapon_DBM_0
    Function utgame.UTWeapon:AttachWeaponTo:0339
    [0024.90] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Gun'
    Vehicle_DBM uedpie_masterlevel_dbm.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Vehicle_DBM_0
    Function utgame.UTVehicle:InitializeSeats:01D8
    [0024.90] ScriptWarning: Failed to find skeletal controller named TurretRotate (Seat 0) for Vehicle_DBM_0 in AnimTree AT_Manta
    Vehicle_DBM uedpie_masterlevel_dbm.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Vehicle_DBM_0
    Function utgame.UTVehicle:InitializeTurrets:0246
    [0024.90] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0024.90] ScriptWarning: Failed to find skeletal controller named TurretRotate (Seat 1) for Vehicle_DBM_0 in AnimTree AT_Manta
    Vehicle_DBM uedpie_masterlevel_dbm.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Vehicle_DBM_0
    Function utgame.UTVehicle:InitializeTurrets:0246
    [0024.90] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0024.90] ScriptWarning: Failed to find skeletal controller named TurretRotate (Seat 2) for Vehicle_DBM_0 in AnimTree AT_Manta
    Vehicle_DBM uedpie_masterlevel_dbm.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Vehicle_DBM_0
    Function utgame.UTVehicle:InitializeTurrets:0246
    [0024.90] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0024.90] ScriptLog: spawnplayerinvehicle - trying to drive
    [0024.90] Cmd: SETSOUNDMODE Default
    [0024.90] Cmd: SETSOUNDMODE Default
    [0024.90] ScriptLog: spawnplayerinvehicle - drive
    [0024.90] ScriptLog: START MATCH
    [0025.73] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0026.08] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0026.10] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0026.14] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0026.24] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0026.34] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0026.44] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0026.56] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0026.63] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0026.74] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0026.83] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0026.93] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0027.03] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0027.13] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0027.23] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0027.35] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0027.47] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0027.55] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0027.65] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0027.74] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0027.84] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0027.94] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0028.04] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0028.14] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0028.24] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0028.34] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0028.44] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0028.54] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0028.68] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0028.82] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0028.93] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0029.03] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0029.13] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0029.23] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0029.33] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0029.44] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0029.54] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0029.63] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0029.74] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0029.84] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0029.94] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0030.04] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0030.14] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0030.24] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0030.34] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0030.44] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0030.54] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0030.65] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0030.75] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0030.85] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0030.96] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0031.05] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0031.15] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0031.25] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0031.36] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0031.46] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0031.56] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0031.66] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0031.80] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0031.91] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0032.01] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0032.11] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0032.21] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0032.31] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0032.41] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0032.51] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0032.61] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0032.72] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0032.83] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0032.93] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0033.03] Cmd: use
    [0033.03] Cmd: SETSOUNDMODE Default
    [0033.03] Cmd: SETSOUNDMODE Default
    [0033.03] Cmd: SETSOUNDMODE Default
    [0033.56] Cmd: use
    [0041.26] Cmd: use
    [0049.35] Cmd: use
    [0056.07] Cmd: use
    [0067.20] Cmd: onrelease ShowMenu
    [0067.20] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'ViewportClient'
    PlayerController_DBM uedpie_masterlevel_dbm.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.PlayerController_DBM_0
    Function utgame.UTPlayerController:Destroyed:0041
    [0067.21] ScriptLog: Custom Pawn UP
    [0067.21] ScriptLog: Begin PlayerVehicleState
    [0067.21] ScriptLog: spawnplayerinvehicle
    [0067.21] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Instigator'
    MachineLauncher_Weapon uedpie_masterlevel_dbm.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.MachineLauncher_Weapon_1
    Function utgame.UTWeapon:AttachWeaponTo:0339
    [0067.21] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Gun'
    Vehicle_DBM uedpie_masterlevel_dbm.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Vehicle_DBM_1
    Function utgame.UTVehicle:InitializeSeats:01D8
    [0067.21] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Instigator'
    Weapon_DBM uedpie_masterlevel_dbm.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Weapon_DBM_1
    Function utgame.UTWeapon:AttachWeaponTo:0339
    [0067.21] ScriptWarning: Accessed None 'Gun'
    Vehicle_DBM uedpie_masterlevel_dbm.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Vehicle_DBM_1
    Function utgame.UTVehicle:InitializeSeats:01D8
    [0067.21] ScriptWarning: Failed to find skeletal controller named TurretRotate (Seat 0) for Vehicle_DBM_1 in AnimTree AT_Manta
    Vehicle_DBM uedpie_masterlevel_dbm.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Vehicle_DBM_1
    Function utgame.UTVehicle:InitializeTurrets:0246
    [0067.21] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0067.21] ScriptWarning: Failed to find skeletal controller named TurretRotate (Seat 1) for Vehicle_DBM_1 in AnimTree AT_Manta
    Vehicle_DBM uedpie_masterlevel_dbm.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Vehicle_DBM_1
    Function utgame.UTVehicle:InitializeTurrets:0246
    [0067.21] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0067.21] ScriptWarning: Failed to find skeletal controller named TurretRotate (Seat 2) for Vehicle_DBM_1 in AnimTree AT_Manta
    Vehicle_DBM uedpie_masterlevel_dbm.TheWorld:PersistentLevel.Vehicle_DBM_1
    Function utgame.UTVehicle:InitializeTurrets:0246
    [0067.21] Warning: GetSocketWorldLocationAndRotation : Could not find socket 'TurretFireSocket' in 'SK_VH_Manta'
    [0067.21] ScriptLog: spawnplayerinvehicle - trying to drive
    [0067.22] ScriptLog: spawnplayerinvehicle - drive
    [0067.41] Cmd: UpdateLandscapeSetup
    [0072.76] Exit: Preparing to exit.
    [0073.05] Exit: Editor shut down
    [0073.05] Exit: Transaction tracking system shut down
    [0073.18] Exit: Windows client shut down
    [0073.19] Exit: XAudio2 Device shut down.
    [0073.25] Exit: Object subsystem successfully closed.
    [0073.26] Log: Shutting down FaceFX...
    [0073.26] Log: FaceFX shutdown.
    [0073.27] Exit: Exiting.
    [0073.28] Log: Log file closed, 04/24/13 22:01:01
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