This is an art test that I did a couple of months ago. It wasn't NDA'd, but I don't want to say who it was for or give any specifics regarding the requirements as a courtesy to the company.
I spent about a week and a half in UDK; it was the first time I've ever really done more than import a random prop and throw a few textures on it in UDK, so it was a pretty crazy ride. Tri count came in a little over 19k. Of course there are a lot of things I want to fix. But, I think with some love it could maybe be a portfolio piece, so I'd like to get some crits!

Flythrough video:
[ame=""]UDK Rocinha - YouTube[/ame]
(Some things that are already on my list to fix - Clean up electrical wire jaggies, redo skybox texture, make foliage animation better, make some particles)
To save time UVing I decided to use all dynamic lighting in UDK which was maybe a mistake because apparently it's difficult to make it look not crappy. So I might have to go back and UV everything for lightmaps at some point. (barf)
I cut some corners to save polies for the test, but I can add in as many as I need to make it look pretty now. So if anything looks like it needs more geo it is fair game for crits!
I'll throw in some texture breakdown stuff too, I did a lot of packing various masks into texture color channels, and I used vertex painting for the first time in this environment. I can post material breakdowns later too if anybody wants to give me feedback on those; right now they are kind of a spaghetti mess so I need to make them more readable first.

Any feedback would be much appreciated. Thanks!
I really like how all the houses are compacted so tightly, does create the 'slum' feel to the scene.
The things I would crit are already on your to-do list, so there's no point in me going through them really.
I know how you feel about creating second UVs, but it's gotta be done if you wanna utilize UDK's AO lighting. Having done a fair bit of work with UDK recently, it has become a part of my art asset pipeline (it's not really that bad).
Where there any limitations set for the art test? polycount, texture sizes, etc...
Yeah, I had actually planned at the beginning to use static lighting, but I decided I wanted to make more stuff and so I went with dynamic to save time (especially after seeing Snefer making it look awesome in the Grime District). But if there's a trick to avoiding shadow errors with UDK dynamic lighting, I haven't found it yet. For the purposes of the test I think it was fine, but for a portfolio piece it'll probably be better to use Lightmass.
There were some limitations, but I'd prefer not to go into detail on those just so I don't spoil the test for anyone else who might happen to take it. Sorry! But as far as what I ended up with, my tri count was a bit over 19k, and almost all my textures were 512x512 with the exception of the sky.