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The Beast

polycounter lvl 10
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mryogesh123 polycounter lvl 10
Hey guys, so finished this guy off. I am now just working on presentation for him. I have a few renders done in marmoset with wire-frames as well. I am messing around with v-ray as well, mainly to achieve a better render for larger images. If anyone has any tips on this i would be very appreciative. The textures/tri counts used for this render are:
  • The Body (12,076)- 1x4096 Diff, Spec, Normals, 1x1024 Gloss, SSS
  • The Armour (12,076)- 1x4096 Diff, Spec, Normals, 1x1024 Gloss
  • The Club (1,150) - 1x2048 Diff, Spec, Normals, 1x1024 Gloss
  • The Pedestal (3,959)- 1x2048 Diff(A), Spec, Normals

The Armour and Body triangle count is combined (12,076) and makes up the Beast character. The textures for final in game asset would be reduced depending on platform so currently I am using the highest size I can get away with.
Crits are welcome although I have finished this model so changes will be considered for next project. Changes regarding presentation will be made ASAP. I will also post the texture sheets very soon. Larger images can be viewed here http://mryogesh123.deviantart.com/gallery/



  • DWalker
    The polygon density on the face - especially the eyes and nostrils - seems exceptionally high; the wireframe for those areas is almost white. While you might need more detail for extreme close-ups, I'd bet that you could cut the polygons in those areas in half and not notice any loss of quality even in a tight shot.

    I can't tell whether the structure above the eyes is a fleshy growth or horns. If they are horns, I'd differentiate them from the surrounding skin a bit more.

    The eyes seem milky, but that might just be the lighting and a material with an overly broad specular.

    The gold ring on the base seems unnecessary, and I'm not certain about the rocks surrounding the base either. Perhaps expanding the size of the ground and then using a sharp or beveled cut at the edges would work better.
  • mryogesh123
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    mryogesh123 polycounter lvl 10
    Thank you for the feedback. I kept a little bit more topology near the face just for facial animation. I can shave it off but I figure with the current tri-count it shouldn't be too much of an issue. For LOD purposes this is the first place that the polygons get reduced from. The protrusions are meant to be a fleshy structure. I didn't want to make generic horns. For the pedestal, I get what you mean. It can be reduced to just the grass and path. I just made it fancier to resemble an action figure kind of base. I have toned the specular down, Marmoset tends to push it out a bit too much. If there are any more tips for future characters I definitely would like to hear your comments.

  • Shiniku
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    Shiniku polycounter lvl 14
    Good work! I can definitely tell you put a lot of effort into this. I think the facial geometry is appropriate especially for deformation during animation, the extra geometry in the nose would be useful for snarls and nostril flares, which look like things this guy might do.

    HOLY MOLY dat texture res! Wish I could work at that res and then reduce but it really slows down my workflow because of my PC.

    I'd be really curious to see the high poly on this fellow.
  • mryogesh123
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    mryogesh123 polycounter lvl 10
    Thank you Shiniku, I definitely wanted it to be very expressive since it would be a character instead of a base monster. The texture res is huge and I just about got away with working with it myself, mainly with the PSD files. I will upload the hi-res version as well. Here are the textures, please forgive the size. I usually like to see the details in other peoples' textures so hope you enjoy.
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