Hello all,
The following screenshots are from a my University assignment which was to create a low poly and high poly WWII tank of my choosing. I decided to model a Japaneese Type 97 Chi-Ha for my project. As part of the assignment i am writing a report and critique is useful in the evaluation of my work.
Thank You in advance for taking time to give me your thoughts.
Matt Smith
p.s constructive critique only please.
High Poly
3,333,512 Tri's

Low Poly
18,036 Tri's

(Shown in UDK)
Again Thank You for Taking your time to look at these.

The missing return wheels on the low-poly version - and which are entirely too thin on the high-poly - make the hanging of the tread seem unrealistic.
The road wheels are much too thin - it's almost as though you've taken only the inner wheels, rather than just making a single wheel with the same width as the two wheels in the high-poly version. The drive gear is also a bit too thin - it should be slightly thicker than the tread.
Your low-poly version is also missing the bow and rear turret machine guns, very odd omissions for a game, especially considering the very low cost (~12 triangles).
The texture has a very odd scalloped overlay; perhaps a quick attempt to add variety but it really hurts more than it helps. The texture overall seems a bit rushed; major details (e.g. plate lines, hatches) should be present, to say nothing of weathering. Also, the sides of the wheels and the commander's turret should match the color scheme for the tank.
Assuming this is the Shinhoto variant, it should look something like: