Hy , do anyone knows if UDK have x, y ,z coordinates for object position?
What I am trying to do is making an environment scene in Maya with loads of models like rocks, cliffs, terrain, snap the pivot of them in the center of the grid and then export them to UDK
The problem is that, in UDK, after I drop the models in the viewport is very unacurate to move them in the exact position like I have them in Maya.
If anyone knows other methods of doing this kind of stuff, please tell me.
however, it sounds like you're just looking to place objects relative to one another. The quickest way to do this is to place one object and then copy/paste it and open its properties and just change which mesh the placed-node references, under the staticmeshcomponent. You can quickly populate a whole scene this way, just using copy>paste>switch mesh (or replacewith, even) without having to manually type in locations.
Course, there's weirdnesses doing this...the objects are super wasteful, since you can't really reuse them, and there are some tech issues (mostly with culling, iirc, since the pivot for an object may potentially be way outside of its normal bounds of an object this way). But for like, a special case, this is probably fine.
The 'proper' way to do it is to make sure the pivot snaps to an explicit grid in maya/max on all objects, somewhat in the center of an object (or at least within its bounds), and then, when you place the object in UDK make sure you have gridsnap turned on before you place it (that will place it aligned to a grid point)...then you can just 'snap' it into place in the UDK scene.
I'll think about the option you gave me blankslatejoe.
Thanks for help guys