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Violet Kelli - Hunter/Rebel/Post Apoc

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Seraphinn polycounter lvl 4
New Update:
Took a few days off the laptop as a whole as ive been getting really tired really quickly and early lately..

Just a quick 30-60 mins work on the skin texture so far. Messing around with base skin tone, and colour zones.
This will be a decidedly hand painted texture as im trying to avoid using photos, probably will end up using them as a mix match though.
Only has Diffus, with AO on it in PS, and a normal map applied at the moment. Rendered in MRAY in Max with a vray sun


Any Critiques are welcome and appreciated. Please feel free to be as harsh, but remember, Harsh...harsh but fair.


  • Cordero
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    Cordero polycounter
    solid start ;)

    one thing I noticed tho is that the head looks a bit dull, and not too sexy.

    what I would suggest for you to do is too look at faces of the girls you find attractive (that should not be too hard :D) and find out what, and why you like their face..

    one thing I would change, is the length of the nose, I believe it's very long, and not really attractive. On the attached image you can see a red line, and if you imagine that line on your character's face, I think it would be much longer, and less satisfying.

    The general shape of the character looks alright, but I would work on the face a bit more since that's where everyone will look first ( or maybe second :D)

    good luck with this character, it looks sweet!

  • Seraphinn
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    Seraphinn polycounter lvl 4
    Thanks, yeah, i have been looking at the face thinking, why doesn't it look right?? i think its just one of those cases of looking at it too much and not noticing. Will work on that after i'm finished remaking the jacket for like the 5th time >_<
  • AtticusMars
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    AtticusMars greentooth
    Can you post a side view with her arms hidden? The torso looks too deep
  • Seraphinn
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    Seraphinn polycounter lvl 4
    Hey, heres a few images of the side

  • AtticusMars
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    AtticusMars greentooth
    Yeah her upper torso is too thick in the side view, you've got her neck connecting way back from the collar bone. Her neck/head is probably also a little too small.
  • PLing
    I wouldn't say it's too thick, I mean there are lots of different builds of people and that doesn't seem too wrong to me. The neck you might be right about though!

    And about the face, I think it's the eyes being too high rather than the nose being too long but that's just my guess. :)
  • AtticusMars
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    AtticusMars greentooth
    Nobodies got a build where their neck doesn't connect to their collarbone so I mean its clearly incorrect

    Even if you prefer thinking about it as a problem with the head/neck size, making the neck/head bigger acheives the same thing really, the torso gets thinner in relative comparison to the head.

    Just depends on how you want to go about fixing it. I suggest doing a little of both
  • Seraphinn
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    Seraphinn polycounter lvl 4
    Yeah can see your point on that...so ive moved both the chest back and increased the neck and head too solve the problem as well as make her breasts a little smaller as well, as i wanted a female character not just a pair of tits to be blunt.

    Took your advice about the face and lowered her eyes in order to fix her features, and did some topology tweaking in order to make her face a bit more appealing. Lip shape altering and jaw bone.

    See pic -

    As for update ive altered her build a little more to make her a little more athletic. erm...ive rebuilt her jacket...again.. cause i wasnt happy with topology and the design. im a lot happier with how its turned this time. Still a bit more to do but its getting there for like the 8th time

    I have built her larger weapons, which she might use, Scar, sawn off shotgun etc
    But i think those will just be set pieces more than for the character, and will probably be more at home in her vehicle...which im yet to build
  • Seraphinn
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    Seraphinn polycounter lvl 4
  • Seraphinn
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    Seraphinn polycounter lvl 4
    Been working on cleaning up her shape the last few hours, smoothed out and emphasised a few area (mainly the butt, since it was showing the lack of polys) so ive improved some area's. Altered the face a bit more to give her a bit more of a feminine look.
    Did think about adding some big shades to the character but i dont know, opinions?

    Altered the body in line with some feedback made her a little bit thinner from the side and altered the neck so it connects where it should


    Added some basic colours to emphasise the different meshes. Hair is a stand in atm but any suggestions as to style are welcomed, really not good at deciding hair styles for women ¬_¬.

    As always feedback is greatly appreciated and always taken on board.
  • Seraphinn
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    Seraphinn polycounter lvl 4
    Not quite sure where to go with this character now, other than to do the hair and remove the place holder. Any suggestions?
  • Seraphinn
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    Seraphinn polycounter lvl 4
    Been working on her new hair style not quite sure what i think about it, but its definitely an improvement on the placeholder.
    Obv no textures what so ever have been applied, the colours are just basic shader colours as a standin.
    As for the hair any suggestions as to how to improve the planes? as atm i feel once i alpha map it, its going to be quite thin, ive come across the problem before but not found a solution.

    Any suggestions? comments?
  • AtticusMars
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    AtticusMars greentooth
    Your joint topology in the lower body is pretty weird, it's not consistent or symmetrical which might be tedious to rig. Also think her belt should be bigger.

    Arranging hair planes without a hair texture is a waste of time imo because you're just going to have to go back and fix it later. To be honest you're a lot further along than I usually am when I start painting the texture, I just model all the shapes with really basic and clean topology, unwrap/texture and cut the more geometry into the model where I've painted it in the texture. As opposed to trying to paint the texture around the detail I've modeled.

    Personal preference I guess.

    Character looks good otherwise.
  • Seraphinn
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    Seraphinn polycounter lvl 4
    Thanks for commenting, always useful to have another pair of eyes!
    The topology is all loops theres not a single triangle in there, but the topographys different because i didnt want it to be too symmetrical.

    Ive only ever textured hair once before and i used a tutorial in order to do anime style hair... and tbh i dont know how well it turned out. Here it is e3aa471c874a8fbaa63b957898462186.jpg

    Any tips on how to do more realistic hair?

    Id love to do the high poly first but im working from a 3 year old laptop so mudbox generally limits me to 3-8 million before it starts becoming unusable, then exporting to max is impossible as it crashes after 1mill. So using the low - high workflow is best for me right now.

    Thanks again for commenting
  • AtticusMars
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    AtticusMars greentooth
    Theres really no reason to keep a mesh all quads so that's not much of a plus, having quads and edgeloops intact around the joints is good though. If your character were mutated or something and had one giant leg and one tiny one I'd agree with the asymmetrical topology but as it is you're just using it to get subtle folds you could get out of a normal map.

    It's not horrible it just doesn't look like a fun model to rig.
    Id love to do the high poly first but im working from a 3 year old laptop so mudbox generally limits me to 3-8 million before it starts becoming unusable, then exporting to max is impossible as it crashes after 1mill. So using the low - high workflow is best for me right now.
    I thought this was going to be a diffuse only model oops

    I don't think anyone out there is retopoing a 10 million triangle mesh, you should be retopoing over a decimated/meshlabbed version of the model. The reference mesh for retopoing doesn't need millions of polygons it just needs enough to retain the shape of the sculpt.

    Once the retopo is done you can throw the decimated reference mesh away and bake with the original highpoly.

    As for hair it would help a lot if you didn't offline render it but otherwise the only suggestion I could make is try to have more than 1 hair plane shape and use hairstyle reference. Arranging hairplanes is tedious work
  • Seraphinn
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    Seraphinn polycounter lvl 4
    Ive never really re-topologised a model, it wasnt something i was taught on my degree. I know now through research it was greatly outdated ¬_¬
  • AtticusMars
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    AtticusMars greentooth
    It's not very difficult, if you're on Max 2010+ it has a good set of retopology tools in the graphite modeling tools.
  • Seraphinn
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    Seraphinn polycounter lvl 4
    Ohright, will definately look into that, I had heard of Topogun but ive had no interaction with it.

    Been doing some sculpting of the character, only spent a bit on it but not sure if i went overboard
  • Seraphinn
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    Seraphinn polycounter lvl 4
    Oh god why??!?!

    any tips to make her look more feminine? obv hair would go along way but thats planes that ill do in max

    this face is not turning out how i would like, the body is great. but as soon as i touch the head..it all goes to poop...
    I know im using a mouse and that isnt the best way
  • _DeadPixel_
    What the fudge did you do to her face? haha
    Personally I think her face looked fine the way it was.
    No need for the high-poly hype, you should check out some of Steven Stahlberg's work - he's d'man.

    Forehead looks swollen.
    Top lip needs to look less flat and long.
    The jaw looks really narrow.

    To be honest man, I think it'd be easier if you find a photo of a woman and use her face for reference rather than playing a guessing game.

    ...And get a tablet. :P
  • Seraphinn
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    Seraphinn polycounter lvl 4
    I have no idea >< think im just not in the mood and forcing it ><
    Yeah i think the shapes fine in the base model, but itll need those fine details in it =\

    Took some time to relax and did a retry, definitely got way better results this time, but still not quite feminine, i know the characters meant to be quite tough, but still meant to be a woman lol


    Oh man i wish i could afford one atm, all my works been done by a mouse for the last 2 years since my last old one broke >< gunna try get a a5 bamboo one sometime soon
  • _DeadPixel_
    2 years?? Damn! Respect. haha

    Yeah, this is a big improvement, but could use a little more on the nostrils and ears. The corners of her mouth could also look a little more organic.

    Noticed you studied computer games design in the UK, what school were you at?
  • Seraphinn
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    Seraphinn polycounter lvl 4
    2 years?? Damn! Respect. haha

    Yeah, this is a big improvement, but could use a little more on the nostrils and ears. The corners of her mouth could also look a little more organic.

    Noticed you studied computer games design in the UK, what school were you at?

    Yeah two years =\ was a pain in the arse doing my last characters textures, considering they were all handpainted > <

    Not sure what to do with nostrils, every time i do a face its the nostrils and eyes that get me.

    Yeah, I went to the University of Teesside in Middlesborough (finished right before fees tripled to 9k a year :D)
  • _DeadPixel_
    Whenever I sculpt nostrils I tend to think of it kinda like lego or something and block them in, maybe that way can help you too.
    Another thing I do is keep checking what it looks like with hair - you'd be surprised how different a face looks without hair.

    Ah cool, I wanted to study at Teesside; I heard it's the best place in the UK other than Bournemouth.
  • Seraphinn
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    Seraphinn polycounter lvl 4
    Mostly when i sculpt. the shape and everythings already in the low poly, so its just the finer details i need to put in, pores/wrinkles for example but i always seem to be mentally blocked when it comes to putting things in.

    only the last year or so did i start putting zips and pockets on characters. I was always taught at uni...must be really low poly! an i finish and its like boom..you can actually use 3x as many polys.

    It was good in a few aspects, but in terms of quality of information, it was shite. Outdated techniques and information. After leaving and doing some more in depth research, i figured we were being taught PS2 era stuff, possibly very early ps3. Just pissed me off so much.

    The tutors were good in most places, one of our tutors worked for sony making heavenly sword and he taught us most of what i know about games design.

    But the 3d teachers sucked, gave the option of taking 3d modelling, but if you picked character or environment, you HAD to take the other, but there was nothing about having to take texturing module so that was ridiculous. Never mind the head 3D tutor leaving halfway through the year, leaving 2 inept newbs because he got a better offer at Leeds Uni
  • Seraphinn
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    Seraphinn polycounter lvl 4
    Bit more sculpting, altered some of her shape mainly her face, and breasts. since they looked a bit saggy. Will do another detail pass over the arms and face later on. Things like pores, creases, hand detail etc.

  • Seraphinn
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    Seraphinn polycounter lvl 4
    More sculpting goodness. Worked on the face more to get the feminine look...but still unsure

  • Seraphinn
    And i just read through everything you said about Teeside. I couldn't agree more dude. I recently finished my MA there and towards the end i was telling my tutors about new tools and more efficient approaches...

    Enjoyable few years and it definitely facilitated a lot of development but i completely agree with you on the 'dated approaches'..
  • Seraphinn
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    Seraphinn polycounter lvl 4
    Really nicely done.

    Thanks a lot. Dont know how many times ive reworked her face to try make her look more feminine >< still not 100% butting plodding along.

    Yeah i couldnt even think about doing my masters there cause i really didnt want tutors that are so out of date. Bravo for sticking it through tho :thumbup:
    Haha indeed.

    That's why i tell people that it basically gave me the time and facilitated my own learning.. Sounds bad but i found that the majority of students in my year and game art pathway, used to just teach themselves throughout the 3 years.

    I look forward to seeing her plod along :)
  • Seraphinn
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    Seraphinn polycounter lvl 4
    Yeah thats how Uni is really. I think the government should pay me back as they pretty much promised "you get better jobs if you go to uni" I should just spent those 3 years working on my modelling skills.

    just to show how far ive come..ima gunna embarass myself and show my first character and my latest lol

  • Seraphinn
  • Seraphinn
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    Seraphinn polycounter lvl 4
    Not sure about whether this is finished for the time being.
    Think im going to take it back into max and rework some stuff.. redesign the vest.

    Think im going to have her only have a vest as well. Not entirely sure about the jackets design so.

    Any suggestions?
  • Seraphinn
  • Seraphinn
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    Seraphinn polycounter lvl 4
    Double Post ><
  • Seraphinn
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    Seraphinn polycounter lvl 4
    Quick render of AO+Partial Normals. Just need to do Highpoly weapons and sheath/holsters

  • Seraphinn
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    Seraphinn polycounter lvl 4
    Having issues with the saturation of my diffuse maps atm, will post updates asap, trying to work out colours for the diffus atm...thinking purple or green for the vest, instea of the cliche dirty white, and a light denim blue colour for the pants

    as always, comments and critiques are welcomed and appreciated
  • Seraphinn
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    Seraphinn polycounter lvl 4
    New Update:
    Took a few days off the laptop as a whole as ive been getting really tired really quickly and early lately..

    Just a quick 30-60 mins work on the skin texture so far. Messing around with base skin tone, and colour zones.
    This will be a decidedly hand painted texture as im trying to avoid using photos, probably will end up using them as a mix match though.
    Only has Diffus, with AO on it in PS, and a normal map applied at the moment. Rendered in MRAY in Max with a vray sun


    Any Critiques are welcome and appreciated. Please feel free to be as harsh, but remember, Harsh...harsh but fair.
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