this has come up before but i've yet to find a solid solution so i'm bumping the request. anybody know of an automated / scripted solution to extrude / inset a face with a circle of N edges ? or. chamfer a vertex to similar result ?
maya specific. thanks
This may be of some help.
but the script i posted here
should take a vertex selection and try to make a circle out of it.
still very wip, and currently it wont even out the vertex spacing, but if you run it on something that already has good spaceing, it works great.
ha. dumb bastard i am. posted before i checked that script on a NON SQUARE face. . . no joy
ya I need to find a way to even the vertex spacing out, which will take a little bit of math I don't know atm, than maybe add a option to subdivide edges first to add more geo.
ZhCG_PolyTools -> Regularize -> Circularize Line
>> link <<
It's not perfect, but if you start with a square face, select poke face, select add subdivisions, and then triangulate you get a circle. I'll try to post a video or screenshots later.
# Error: NameError: name '__main__' is not defined #
Anyone getting this error?