This is my first post here and I'd need some advice on my character model. I am studying games art (mostly 3d and concept art) but I haven't really done much modeling yet and wanted to create (with 3ds Max) this simple low poly character for my portfolio. It's an old man in a bear pelt suit and I'd also like to make a wooden bike for him, meaning I would rig and pose him. I would possibly add a backbag as well. I am still a total newbie with these things, so I'd need some help! Mostly with the topology of course, I am a bit lost if it's good or not! How much does it matter anyway? x) If I'm gonna rig it I suppose I have to put some edge loops around the elbows and knees at least.

The character sheet, I probably should've made the legs and arms straight.......

The model so far, I know the claws and teeth are missing on the other side.
More angles