this is really awesome work..the only thing that caught my eye and it might or might not be there but the point is I couldn't tell and that is that i cant see the lug nuts for the wheels.
Hey pirat, I was hoping to see those texture sheets as well but it looks like the dropbox link is already removed. Any chance I could get my hands on them? This is such a well crafted vehicle I'm very curious
lol it sounds like I'm the only one getting this error: Sorry I didn't mean to start such a controversy. Regardless, the imageshack link worked great so thanks a lot for that. I'm working on a vehicle here in a bit and plan to study the hell out of your UV organization.
lol it sounds like I'm the only one getting this error: Sorry I didn't mean to start such a controversy. Regardless, the imageshack link worked great so thanks a lot for that. I'm working on a vehicle here in a bit and plan to study the hell out of your UV organization.
My UV organization suck, believe me > i should give little more place for body... And mirror all the faces of box.
do want
David - I posted it
Xolioul - if you want...
I really like the work you did with the different materials mixed and the texture details.
Keep up the good work.
Maybe on imageschack?
Link to textures no worry ova here either.
post more,
My UV organization suck, believe me > i should give little more place for body... And mirror all the faces of box.