Hi everyone. Just some art I've been doing for a character and weapons pack. I've got the "long arm" issue to fix on the master model for the military guys.
If you'd like to see more visit the asset pack page.
First set of male civilians are completed. Moving on to producing some civilian female versions. Unfortunately textures can only take me so far when it comes to getting a female look, so I have to tweak the model to a unique version.
First female civilian model. No texturing, UVs or biped setup yet. She comes in at 721 polygons, so not too much higher than her male counterparts. Turns out females have more curvature than male models.
If you haven't checked out the entirety of the pack, feel free to visit the page:
Finished up the texturing for the first female variation. Once the animations are done, I will more than likely go back in and add more detail to the textures (final texture polish pass on all characters).
Hi everyone. I got a very good start on the character animations for the civilians. These animations are shown on the female character, but will be applicable to all of the civilians. I will be creating a more masculine walk, jump, etc. for the male civilians. This is a total of (20) animations and will be more soon. I haven't added in the weapon firing animation or crouched firing.
Assuming most of you have the webplayer installed, here's a realtime preview.
First female civilian model. No texturing, UVs or biped setup yet. She comes in at 721 polygons, so not too much higher than her male counterparts. Turns out females have more curvature than male models.
If you haven't checked out the entirety of the pack, feel free to visit the page:
Her topology is really random. You have huge stars in in a lot of areas, the knees are really messy, and chest doesn't make much sense. You could clean in up pretty quickly, and easily get rid of over 100 tris, plus you get way better deformation.
You can find a lot of good examples of topology on the wiki.
@bardler - Thanks for the input. I've actually reworked the mesh a tad before I got to animation. The characters will get a final polish pass for textures, animations and the models. It's very simple to make improvements as they use a master model for all of the variations. The other good thing is, I've tested them on my Samsung Galaxy and they look great when rendered much smaller than screengrabs on a PC. I will be making a polish pass on everything in the last 2 days or so. These models were each done in about 6-7 hours (single day) so initially rushed, but will get their fair polish.
So I've completed the civilian pack and the ton of animations they all have. What a lot of work, but it was well worth it to see all of them together and working.
Honestly, I don't see what relates these characters to a zombie apocalypse, it just looks like an assortment of generic people looking morning-fresh. Even if the apocalypse had only lasted a day I would still expect to see some dirt or blood splashed on the clothes, maybe some messed up hair, ripped clothes, bandages, etc. Hell, I look worse than this after a long day at work.
Well that's the joy of the pack, the textures use Layer Styles that allow for rapid changes to the clothing. I show them in pristine condition, but they can be changed to far worse in a matter of 15 seconds. Pattern Overlays in PS are your friend. Don't take my word for it, take a look over at the campaign and you'll see a lot of folks want these.
If you missed out on the character packs on Indiegogo and the weapon packs I've migrated everything over to my official Unity Shop. Feel free to check it out and check out some of the new artwork.
As always if you haven't checked out the entirety of the pack, feel free to visit the page:
Character and Weapons Asset Pack
If you haven't checked out the entirety of the pack, feel free to visit the page:
Character and Weapons Asset Pack
Assuming most of you have the webplayer installed, here's a realtime preview.
Webplayer Animation Demo
Her topology is really random. You have huge stars in in a lot of areas, the knees are really messy, and chest doesn't make much sense. You could clean in up pretty quickly, and easily get rid of over 100 tris, plus you get way better deformation.
You can find a lot of good examples of topology on the wiki.
Here is a web demo of their animations:
If you want them all go here.
Zombie Apocalypse Character and Weapon Packs
Check this craziness out!
Play on the web: