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This website seems pretty slow

polycounter lvl 9
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ziikutv polycounter lvl 9
Is it just me or this website's load times range from pretty slow to reasonably fast? Is this because of the traffic on the website? I doubt that because I have been moderating on forums with much more traffic :S


  • SuperFranky
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    SuperFranky polycounter lvl 10
    works great for me...
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Traffic + content count + server problems, basically. While our member count doesn't compare to many of the other huge forums out there, we get a lot of traffic from high volume referral sites like Reddit & Kotaku. We can handle it fine, but you're bound to see some spikes here & there.

    In the mean time, the best thing to do would be to report any errors you see using our Contact Us form (top right of Polycount) with the URL of the page you were on and the time it happened. Thank you!
  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    Like Adam said. Wildly fluctuating traffic.
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    P.C. is the shiznit that's why!
    We have all types of green going on up in here, the hoes be flocking.
  • Andreas
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    Andreas polycounter lvl 11
    Yeah Polycount is really slow for me too.

    -Sent from Mars on my 56K modem.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Andreas wrote: »
    Yeah Polycount is really slow for me too.

    -Sent from Mars on my 56K modem.

    You know, sometimes I almost believe that you actually live on mars and surprisingly get the internet reception using the 56k modem.

    You must be with Rogers.

    jks jks lol
  • ziikutv
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    ziikutv polycounter lvl 9
    hehe. There are ways to counter this but I'd leave that to the PC developers. Just saying, I would handle this differently than just blaming the spikes.
  • Justin Meisse
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    Justin Meisse polycounter lvl 19
    Polycount is run by a team of unpaid volunteers, most with fulltime jobs in an industry that has a reputation for going way over 40 hours a week - if anyone thinks they can help shoot a message over to Adam.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    ziikutv wrote: »
    hehe. There are ways to counter this but I'd leave that to the PC developers. Just saying, I would handle this differently than just blaming the spikes.

    By all means, enlighten us. Let us know which forums you moderated with more traffic than us, and what you guys did to help keep things stable.
  • ziikutv
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    ziikutv polycounter lvl 9
    adam wrote: »
    By all means, enlighten us. Let us know which forums you moderated with more traffic than us, and what you guys did to help keep things stable.

    0x10cforum.com (I asked to be unmodded because I do not visit the forums nay more due to University work) and com.puter.tv (community dead basically and they fucked up the database) which was an online division of Tigerdirect. There are many reasons why your website could be slow. If you blame just the traffic.. the main reason could be because of a poorly optimized website (install Firebug and Yslow extension on your browser, optimize the website)

    Perhaps these would help.

    Since this is a dynamic, database driven website you could optimize your databases as well as increase chache space and speed.

    Use something like http://loadimpact.com/ to simulate traffic and adjust your website.

    By the way, upgrading server does not always solve the issue. It could be just the way your website is.

    The front page is by far the slowest because you are dynamically linking posts/images from posts.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Or they could do nothing, and leave things as is, since the site isn't running slow for anyone else, except apparently you. I wouldn't say Adam was JUST blaming traffic, but it is very possibly the reason. Of course, every site could be optimized, but even the optimizations you're referring to, wouldn't greatly increase the speed.

    There has been maybe 1 moment, in the last year or so, where I noticed a slow load time here, and that's when the announced the current contest (and caused a high traffic hit).
  • ziikutv
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    ziikutv polycounter lvl 9
    websites need to be optimized regardless, and they do affect speed because of the traffic on the website. Please, do you have any expertise in the web development field? If not, I understand because you said "Of course, every site could be optimized, but even the optimizations you're referring to, wouldn't greatly increase the speed."

    Slow websites should be fixed is all I have say. My download speed is 2-3 MB/Sec (not Mbps, MBps).

    If you guys are busy, I won't mind helping.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Considering that's what I do for a living, yes, I know a bit about web development.

    Let me be a little clearer: This site is already very fast for myself, and others, world wide. The kind of improvements you are talking about would be minuscule. You may get a few hundred milliseconds out of the load time... 500ms tops. The site is not suffering from poor database queries. Compressing their js files would be the only performance boost I could see (which would probably give you those milliseconds I mentioned a second ago).

    Most of the time, the only thing slowing down pages loads here, are images. And since those images are typically hosted by 3rd party sites, there is not much polycount can do, which would make much sense.

    I'm curious what pages you're seeing slow load times. Because, if it's not traffic, as you seem to believe, then it should easily replicated.

    It just strikes me odd, that someone with so few posts, would out of the blue, start telling them their site is slow, and offer to help improve it, when no one else is in agreement that the site is slow.
  • aajohnny
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    aajohnny polycounter lvl 14
    I don't think I've ever had a problem with load times or anything. Website runs super fast for me. I don't think any change is necessary other then your own internet provider.
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    I just want to jump in here and say about a month back, I had a hard time editing a double post it wouldn't even let me, there has been various double post problems since then. Now I am not experiencing anything like that now but i just wanted to say that happen and I was like damn I can't edit this post, I really didn't mean to post twice.
    It was in the what are you working on thread 2013 edition.

    Again since then no probs, bob. :)
    But I also find it a bit odd, out of the blue and all I agree with you notman. hmmm
  • leilei
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    leilei polycounter lvl 14
    It did take a while to submit a post last week...
  • ziikutv
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    ziikutv polycounter lvl 9
    Well my post count has nothing to do with it. There is no money for me to make from this website. What does this site offer where it earns money from? Nothing. There is no profit in it for me. You guys mentioned traffic as a possible issue, not me. Is wanting a site/community I am passionate about to get better a bad thing? Sorry, put me in jail :P. Also as mentioned before, this site is run by volunteers which is what I wanted to do if your hands are full.

    "Is this because of the traffic on the website? I doubt that because I have been moderating on forums with much more traffic :S"

    And here is what is slowing down your website.
    Consider offering hosting of images on your server (or your CDN)

    The website is slow sometimes, not all the times. Please read my words carefully I feel like some people have not fully read my posts and just reply for the sake of replying.. what the fuck?

    Edit: The website uses vBulletin, why did you say it doesn't need dB optimization?

    Least you can do is compress your images because that's whats taking like a full second on just the root directory!

    Edit 2: Someone is going to mention that they dont wana lose details, I can sense it ;). You could have it so that one can click on an image to view fully detailed version.

    Edit 3: Quiet frankly, judging me for my post count is offending. Can a mod please lock this thread? I suggested what I felt like I should suggest. It is just a suggestion, no need to shoot it down. It was meant for the owners/admins of this site.

    Why don't you look at my join date? I do not post on the forum a lot because I like to avoid situations like this. I am on the website for at least an hour or more combined daily since the signup time. Dont even have to login.. so please don't shoot out an opinion because of my post cunt.
  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    Although your points are valid; You could've acted as a mature being and pm sir Adam regarding this instead of making a thread in general discussion just to attempt offending mods and admins of the polycont.
  • Zipfinator
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    Zipfinator polycounter lvl 9
    I don't think they should compress the images because they'd probably lose a lot of detail doing that.

    Also what's with this guy? He barely has any posts. Seems like he just joined a few days ago to post this.
  • Esprite
  • m4dcow
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    m4dcow interpolator
    I do agree with you that certain things could be optimized, but besides front end of the side, we are unable to know what has and has not been optimized on the site.
    ziikutv wrote: »
    "Is this because of the traffic on the website? I doubt that because I have been moderating on forums with much more traffic :S"

    This premise is bogus since judging by Alexa traffic rankings 0x10cforum.com is nowhere near the traffic level of polycount.

  • Snader
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    Snader polycounter lvl 15
    Dude. That site isn't even faster than this one.

    As for compressing all the images, that's not really gonna work. First of all, many people host their own images so you can't fix that. Secondly, people tend to post much more images here compared to a regular discussion forum. Lastly, we are artists, we value nice images.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    I did a speed test yesterday, just like you posted, and it took 1.5s (very similar results). By comparison, I just ran a test on iGoogle and it took longer to load than your example: http://www.webpagetest.org/result/130424_AG_N85/1/details/
    I used iGoogle, because it has dynamic objects. I guess Google could use your optimization skills too. You should contact them.

    You are not reading my words carefully. YOU said that Adam was wrong to suggest traffic was the issue. YOU also said that the speed fluctuates. My response was, fluctuation is often caused by traffic. If you visit the same page, and it's ALWAYS slow, then yes, I would agree, there is something that needs to be reviewed about why that page is so slow.

    Yes, the forums are vBulletin, and yes, most of the free forums packages do not have the best db structures, because they try to offer so many features to their users, which adds overhead. My point was, it's not worth breaking the vBulletin db structure, just to try gaining a little bit of speed. You then open up the problem of integrating future vBulletin patches.

    The storing of user images was another point to my 'little gain' argument. First, most sites do not want to start hosting images for people, and to be honest, people prefer linking to their content, so they can share it on multiple sites. Second, if they could store images that people post... dynamically save it local version, to pull from their own server, rather than a 3rd party link. But then you need to start support updating the local version, if the user wants to update their image. Again, more hassle than it's worth for the gain.

    I wasn't suggesting you wanted something financial out of it. I just posed the question, what are you trying to gain out of this? People do it for many reasons, and I'm curious what your angle is. If it's just to 'help the site', then fine, but it honestly does not feel that way.

    And you insult me, suggesting I know nothing about web development, and wonder why I response by questioning your motives? You have yet to prove where this site is slow.

    I can point out 3 things 'slowing down' this site. If you read my words, you would see that I point things out. But as I pointed out, in my previous response, those improvements would offer little gain. They could compress the header image more, minify their javascript files, and remove their ad banner. 3 things that probably aren't going to happen, just to gain a couple hundred milliseconds.
  • adam
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    adam polycounter lvl 20
    Let's stop throwing insults or blames around, eh fellas? Our feelings aren't hurt, neither should yours.

    We have no problems with threads like these so long as things are objective and helpful. Lots of ideas/suggestions are being thrown around which we'll come to consider once the time is right.

    The OP was made around the time we were having noticeable server problems. PM's, Facebook messages and Tweets were sent to us by a number of people indicating a problem. So I reckon it was made around then and things have ironed out since then.
  • ziikutv
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    ziikutv polycounter lvl 9
    I didn't know who the admins were which is why I made this post. I wanted to do a PM anyways, it is better that way.

    Also, 0x10cforum.com is a subdivision of http://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/enjin.com so it is not bogus information hehe. I thought you guys would be able to make the connection.

    Also, there might be a vBulletin plugin/addon that allows all the images linked to be compressed, and when one clicks on the image it opens the full version on a new tab. This means that the initial page load times would be less AND users can still see "high-res" images by clicking on the one they want to see. You will also save bandwidth costs by the way.

    I just started being super active now and I noticed the slows so I thought I should make a topic. I do not think my post count means I don't care about the site, which is the only thing that felt like a stab in the heart to me because I really love the community and the artists in the industry today (I envy them to some degree because I am not half as creative as anyone of you guys here, I am just a fan of 3d work).
  • Selaznog
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    Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
    Just thought I'd mention I agree with OP (even though he has a small post count).

    Not so much on the main forum, but I find the Polycount Wiki is very slow loading pages. Often, I just head to youtube or google with my question instead of checking the Wiki because it's so slow.

    (Not sure why everyone is whining about this guy giving critique...isn't that who we are? Critique monsters? Learn to take it ;))
  • Tekoppar
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    Tekoppar polycounter lvl 10
    I just wanna say that I don't know anything about coding, hosting or creating websites so my suggestion might be stupid and probably not feasible/possible to do.

    But since the problem is when the user count spikes. Wouldn't it be possible to make the site prioritize registered users, so that if I'm logged in when theres a spike the server would prioritize me instead of people who just visits?
  • fearian
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    fearian greentooth
    I gotta say for polycount's history/repuation of harsh critiques, this thread devolved into argument really fast from what was essentially a single question about site speed.

    Pretty much everyone spun into defence mode (I read adam's first reply alot more defensively pre-edit) and I'm surprised people reached for the "who the fuck are you, dr. zero-posts?!" pipe so quick.

    but yeah, ziikutv, work on your shitty critique delivery. "your site sucks and I should know because I'm awesome" is a great humble brag. Following it with "do you even web-dev, bro?" is just pro, pro flaming skills.

    This thread 5/10, needs reworking.
  • notman
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    notman polycounter lvl 18
    Well, I did forget to add some kittens, so for that, I do apologize ;)

    With that, I had already decided to leave my last response as my final response to this thread. I think everyone has shared their thoughts. My low post count wasn't meant to come across as "you're not worthy", as much as I meant to point how that he may not have experienced the site long enough to know how well it typically runs.

    Either way... let peace return :)
  • ziikutv
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    ziikutv polycounter lvl 9
    Yey peace! Love you guys.
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