Just my Uni work. Hoping to get some feedback, but a bit worried as personally I know there's a lot of issues with it. But its my first major project within 3Ds max. Hadn't even touched the software before I came to University in October.

The edges of the High poly are a bit tight and that has come through in the normal map. I also think my unwrap has a lot of wasted space, and is probably stitched a bit much, resulting in a couple of odd errors with smoothing groups.
Overall I'm happy with the result as a first try at something larger and more complex.
As BringMeASunkist pointed out the way you constructed the tracks make it not suited for animation. Apart from the baked in AO the tracks should exist on a totally separate texture image since the animation of them is achieved by scrolling the UVs. If this is just a static prop used to litter a battlefield then it's not really an issue.
As for the tracks, the assignment document states everything needs to be on one sheet.
I found it difficult to model certain parts of the tank, as there is lots of variants and they often had conflicting parts and quite often the images were incorrectly labelled as different versions. If I had of had more time I would have headed down to the Tank Museum, but I have 3 other Uni modules alongside this so its been a real push to get everything done in the time frame.