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Dark Horizon - DX11 (semi) realtime project

Hi all, first post here and I want to share some of my final year work.

The project sits I guess somewhere between animation and games. We (team of 2 - I do all the environment work) use Mayas latest DX11 extension, so basically everything is captured from the viewport, rather than rendered. The geometry varies from low to midpoly - in general I think we can get away with more polys than an engine can handle, same goes for the texture sizes. If I find the time, I want to export everything to UDK after the project is done.

Yep, I guess we're animation renegades just sick of rendering and more interested in games and realtime stuff - so c&c very welcome :)

all pics wip - we also have a production blog running here http://darkhorizon.blog.com/


For this corridor I already did a little test track [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrWNBNuKlh8"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrWNBNuKlh8[/ame]


Lowpoly assets



  • makinmagic3
    Offline / Send Message
    makinmagic3 polycounter lvl 11
    For me I would add some smoke/ steam to the air vents.

    Looks great though.
  • Neyull
    Offline / Send Message
    Neyull polycounter lvl 8
    Nice work, It looks a bit weird without any shadows though.
  • Shrike
    Offline / Send Message
    Shrike interpolator
    The first environment looks nice, but the white ones have a serious lack of proper texturing. No drybrushing / highlights, no stains, no variation and all hard edges aswell ?
  • shake
    Thanks for the comments guys :)

    @makinmagic3 Cheers! Yea, I definitely will have some steam coming out of some pipes and also water dripping here and there. Mayas viewport 2.0 engine is not able to do that sort of stuff (yet I guess) in the viewport. So I will have to add it in later.

    @Neyull Thank you - I know what you mean, same thing here - I will composite the shadows in later, because only depth map shadows work so far (maybe I should at least have activated those in the captures)

    @Shrike Good points - I can definitely see where you coming from. I'm going to tackle that part again. I'm planning some doors/corridors branching off, adding some variation and to fix a lot of the hard edged geometry.

    I started a terminal kind of thing as a base for the new left wall, as I wasn't really happy with the overall design.

  • shake
    Been too long since updated this thread...my bad. It was just a bit crazy with the hand in and dissertation. So as a conclusion I want at least post some stills from the short and the reworked corridor.

    We are happy with the results but I think it's time to move on - it was a nice kinda transition project and now it's time to focus entirely on game
    art (and smaller environments, this was just too huge) :)

    I tried to nail that 80s scifi feel even more - I hope the color grade
    was somewhat distinct in the end.

    Some of the new textures are based on PhilipK's awesome packs http://www.philipk.net/index.html


    Some stills





    So thanks again for the feedback guys!
  • shake
    since the wip pics from April above don't seem to work anymore (or is it just me? :shifty:)




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