Hey everyone,
I am a first year Hertfordshire Student and part of our assignment is to enter this competition, this is the first time i have used UDK and first time making a in game level.
i have a quick concept of the interior of my scene that i want to create and as for the outside i am developing a few to see which i like more, such as a ruined city, forest, underwater, space, etc. i will post various concepts in time to come when i reach the time to create the outside. I would like to add a character and shuttle/ jet if i can, if i can manage my other assignments well.
In the time i created this concept i have modified and added more detail upon the walls and have cracked windows, to allow vines, etc to climb through. i am also pushing toward more of a jungle concept outside with derelict buildings popping through.
Thank you and i hope you like what i end up with

Here is a Still Render of my Escape Scene.
Keep up the great work, I wish more level 1 students would post while there is enough time to fix problems, well done for posting, keep it up.
Also to embed Vimeo on polycount you have to type [vv] [FORWARDSLASH vv]
Thanks again
Congratulations of finishing the escape challenge! I like your concept, very fun concept to approach, very classic sci-fi. The composition of your shot is pretty nice, but there's somethings I think could be worked out in your scene if you wanted to go back and touch this up.
Models: I can't really tell if you have any normal maps on your models, they're sort of sharp and "gamey" if you're kitbashing this entire environment, I'd recommend beveling the edges of your models so that they're a little bit more akin to modern day constructions.
Textures: Your textures are lacking a lot of material definition. I am not seeing anything that's making me go "Okay that's metal." your metal could be plastic, or concrete even. To really sell this, I'd recommend working on your spec maps and again, your normal maps. Also it looks like a lot of the models are using the same texture across the entire scene. That is hurting your scene a lot.
Lighting: Your lighting isn't bad, it's a little flat, but I would add some post effects in UDK to give some lens flares, or some gamma to make the bloom pop more, right now it's reading like early 2000's lighting effects, and your concept and construction is strong enough to really pull this off!
I'd recommend you make a detail pass if you plan on putting this in your portfolio. I'd love to see more if/when you update!
thank you very much for the feedback, its much appreciated, i have gone back and touched the pillars- by giving them more spec and giving them a much more metal brushed texture over the top, i am going to do this for other objects as well.
i have also had a look into light maps and gave them ago, it helps in most areas of my scene but still has its flaws, but does look better. Tomorrow i will have an experiment with lens flares and other means of lighting to boast my scene.
i have added additional assets such as glass on the ground to help show the broken glass and have decreased the opacity as well. also 2 barrels have been added in, hopefully they fit, i believe so.
again thanks and ill look into the lighting next
i am sorry, i tried embedding but must being something wrong, anyway i hope you all like the footage