Its time to start a blogging/spamming my updates of a Fallout scene I'm working on. Looking for much needed feedback and to track my progress.
Based on concept material produced for Fallout 3 and New Vegas, mostly based on drawings by Adam Adamowicz for Fallout 3 with lighting references from Craig Mullins early pre production drawings.
- Currently using neutral lighting setup to formulate raw diffuse composition.
- Focusing on ground assets/textures to build foundations first.
- Not putting much time into spec maps until I start to do more on lighting.
DATE: 2013/04/09 2013/04/14 2013/04/18
Here are some of the compositional shots I have been looking at to try and narrow down some of the money shots. 2013/04/27
Finally finished my high poly, did a zbrush pass and got all baked down to the low poly which currently includes Normals, Displacement and AO.
Now onto texturing! 2013/04/28
Super early progress on the diffuse texture, currently just focused on a small area before propagating it over the whole object. I Also laid down the base paint colours. 2013/05/01
Not a massive update, but feels like a life time. I had to jump through hoops and decided to unwrap, bake and start texturing again. It was a little frustrating but just bit the bullet to fix some nagging issues. I just spent an evening doing some texturing and hoping I can get this done by the end of the weekend. But lets see.
Thanks for all the support guys, really appreciate the crits. 2013/05/02
Did an evening sorting out the majority of the painted metal. You will notice the chrome hasn't been done yet, I'm hoping to do that tomorrow and then start working on a proper spec/gloss followed by adding details from my diffuse into the normals. 2013/05/03
I got around to wrapping up the vending machine, done a final pass on everything. I'm fairly happy but after looking at it for a few minutes before posting I think I want to change...
- Change monitor tint to green or brown, make it feel more vintage. It currently doesn't read very well as black. Feels very... SONY Bravia :P
- I'm not perfectly happy with the chrome, but I gave it my best shot. Its a fine balance with SPEC/GLOSS and without a physical based render it can be very difficult to get the surface properties correct.
- I'm missing a sheet of broken glass in the window bay, havn't got around to doing it yet :P
- I'm crap at prop lighting setups. Need to do another pass before I put it on my portfolio to light it a little better. Anyone got any advice on good lighting setups to pimp your work? 2013/05/19
Its been a while since I did an update, had a few weeks not doing much work and relaxing. Its not a massive update but over the last few days I have started doing the sculpts, bakes and base work on one of the buildings. I also made a few minor changes to the Nuka Cola machine based on some feedback.

The pavement is done with tileable textures blended together, one damaged another not so damaged. This is blended together using a mask to define high and low points. This creates the main parts of the road, I then cut the object up down some of the damage lines in the diffuse and wrap the edges with a decal.
Here is a close up image to help understand how the trims work in conjunction with a tileable blended texture.
Finally finished my high poly, did a zbrush pass and got all baked down to the low poly which currently includes Normals, Displacement and AO.
Now onto texturing!
Super early progress on the diffuse texture, currently just focused on a small area before propagating it over the whole object. I Also laid down the base paint colours.
No real crit's from me at the moment, just enjoying the show
Great work, keep it up mate.
there's some naive part of my brain that gets fooled every time.
That said your scene actually feels closer to Fallout and Fallout 2 in terms of atmosphere, which is awesome.
I like the fact that there is none of that crappy green fog here, sky stays clear and shadows are strong and sharp.
Not a massive update, but feels like a life time. I had to jump through hoops and decided to unwrap, bake and start texturing again. It was a little frustrating but just bit the bullet to fix some nagging issues. I just spent an evening doing some texturing and hoping I can get this done by the end of the weekend. But lets see.
Thanks for all the support guys, really appreciate the crits.
Going to follow this and see where you take it.
I still haven't got around to trying it out, I have heard mixed reviews about it so its never had me eager to give it a shot. I might give it a go on the next asset I make to finally see what all the fuss is about :P
Thanks for the recommendation
DATE: 2013/05/02
Did an evening sorting out the majority of the painted metal. You will notice the chrome hasn't been done yet, I'm hoping to do that tomorrow and then start working on a proper spec/gloss followed by adding details from my diffuse into the normals.
I'm tirewd but you get what im trying to say.
I got around to wrapping up the vending machine, done a final pass on everything. I'm fairly happy but after looking at it for a few minutes before posting I think I want to change...
- Change monitor tint to green or brown, make it feel more vintage. It currently doesn't read very well as black. Feels very... SONY Bravia :P
- I'm not perfectly happy with the chrome, but I gave it my best shot. Its a fine balance with SPEC/GLOSS and without a physical based render it can be very difficult to get the surface properties correct.
- I'm missing a sheet of broken glass in the window bay, havn't got around to doing it yet :P
- I'm crap at prop lighting setups. Need to do another pass before I put it on my portfolio to light it a little better. Anyone got any advice on good lighting setups to pimp your work?
I do my paint in layers, its not so much finding an image and overlaying it. But instead finding a collection of ingredients that build the foundations of what you want to achieve. I also like to do all my layers solid, like painting. I try to avoid using overlays or layer effects. This has massive benefits when deriving height, spec and gloss information from your building blocks. It also allows me to have rust in any situation.
The core layers I used on this where.
- Rust Image (Foundation image that represents what you want to achieve, in this case flat, dripping and upwards rust layers. These are very important as they add a layer of believability. The rust I actually paint is very much filler that brings it all together. Photos are key to making it believable at its core. But its also important not to rely heavily on them. I paint around.... 70% of the rust by hand. But without that key 30% from photos it would look like ass.
- Rust Chunks (Solid rust done with a sporadic brush, fairly self explanatory)
- Rust Gradients (If you have solid rust you also tend to have rust bleed, its also important when working with high frequency noise that you also fall back to gradients. Gradients make objects better compositionally, adds key forms and also makes it readable from a distance)
- Rust Scratches (Done with a scratch brush)
- Rust Dots (Done with a dot brush)
- Paint Flake (Done using photos, get a tileable paint flake and mask in the areas you want to flake away. Whats key to this is setting up your layer properly so it looks right)
I was explaining this process in the hang out yesterday, I might make a video tutorial if I get some free time to help explain as its come up a few times.
Anyway, I will stop rambling. I hope it helps. Thanks for all the feedback and words of support!
Yeah I still got to add the glass, I was thinking I might be doing lots of broken glass for all the buildings so might steal some of that and put it in the vending machine. Try kill two ducks with one stone.
Right now the PSD is 2.7GB 4096x2048 (Pixel density in game is 1024 pixels to 3 meters) I could possible down res it to 1024x512 and upload it somewhere if people are interested in taking a look?!cgVExbwD!FFSFWXbijA85elksM_k7GS8RtMURLorEBaZHo1NDjwM