The pistol grip is very blocky, and the woodgrain doesn't match the quality of the metal barrel. This lupara seems fairly similar to your design:
When fired, the shell doesn't expand as much as yours has - the barrel limits the final diameter.
This is a really great model! I can't really think of much to criticise with this. Perhaps the golden trim on the model could be altered a little. It looks a bit too yellow, bright and clean compared to the rest. This kind of colour and finish might look more fitting:
Cool piece! Love the style and colors! The only thing I'm not too sure about is the weaver rail at the top. Those are pretty modern and it doesn't seem like it fits on an older weapon like that.
Thanks for your feedback! Your'e right about the style issue old/modern. Its kinda hard to create a nice model without a concept but your right because there are a lot of references on the internet
Really great. Would just reiterate the points others have made; wood quality doesn't really match the quality of the metal work, the grip is way too square to be comfortable and given the weapon looks a bit ages the golden trims could use work, especially in the cavities.
Really like that second shot.
Thanks for posting, I rendered the shotgun in marmoset toolbag.:thumbup:
When fired, the shell doesn't expand as much as yours has - the barrel limits the final diameter.
Your critics are very helpful to me, thank you!
Great job anyway!
Thanks! Lets see by tomorrow I can grab some states and a few screenshots (wire, sculpt etc.)
Thank you! You are right, the gold is too clean. I wish I had time to edit the wood and the gold
Thanks for your feedback! Your'e right about the style issue old/modern. Its kinda hard to create a nice model without a concept but your right because there are a lot of references on the internet
Very bioshock infinite
Your feedback is great! Thank you! I want to give the wood a 2nd try if I found the time.
Thank you all for the critics!!