Hi there. If this topic has been covered please feel free to point me towards it as I have googled and searched this forum and cannot find a solution for the life of me. So here is my problem. I have an object with UV maps that look like this:

I create subdivision levels in zBrush and sculpt away, and when I export my displacement map the texture is showing up white in places I have NOT sculpted outwards, the only thing I did to this model was subtract!

And why are all of the light and dark values showing up where I didn't even touch the model?! This is, of course, creating huge problems when I go to render in Maya and I just plainly cannot figure it out and don't have time to paint over every edge of every object's displacement map in this scene.
but that didn't fix my problem, it just looks like this now:
I am desperate here. There is no one in my town that knows this. Please help, my project/job is depending on it. I can't hand paint all of these displacement maps for this project.