I can happily say that, by popular demand, we have finally found a publisher to print and distribute our new book! What does this mean for VERTEX? There will still be an issue of VERTEX each year for free in the form of an eBOOK.
Why not just print VERTEX? We would love to print VERTEX, but since we like to interview and have breakdowns from recent video game releases, those team ups prevent the books from ever being printed. But, that is a sacrifice we take to insure that the content in our books are relevant to everyday production in video games.
What is this new book then? It will be similar to how VERTEX is setup with tutorials, tips, and tricks for professionals by professionals, but more in depth. VERTEX will offer unique content that is different from the printed book.
Who is the Publisher? DesignStudioPress will be teaming up with
www.artbypapercut.com to bring you the highest quality educational books that we can offer.
Design Studio Press:
We will keep you posted on any further developments. In the meantime, we are hard at work bringing you VERTEX 2.
Thanks for the support guys and gals!
/Ryan Hawkins