Hello PC! I've been trying to learn hand painted texturing. I have had a few fail starts in the past, so any hints, tips or bitch slaps are welcome. Very Work in Progress
Made the base mesh in Max and sculpted it in Mudbox.

Baked down the AO/normal map and have the lowpoly at 985 tris. Was shooting for 750-1000. Base colored and started painting in Mudbox and Photoshop. Shown with Xouli shader.

Just a 1024 diffuse right now, but planning on it being 512. Very Work in progress.

Comments crits welcome, but otherwise I will keep working. Thanks for looking.
Some more tones and color would help the overall feeling of the piece as well.
Anyway, looking good. Keep it up.
Thanks you, Grimm_Wrecking. I did overdo the metal scratches a bit. I will try to make the scratches look less deep with the diffuse. Hopefully the overall coloring is better.
I will keep going, crits and comments welcome. Thank you for looking.
a few suggestions:
If you're going to go with a diffuse only texture you need to get some directional lighting in the texture. The metal needs more highlights and shadows. At the moment it just looks like a dull plastic.
Make the bolts a different value so they stand out more.
The wood should be darker/ more saturated IMO, it would suit the color scheme better. And maybe add some wood patterns.
Something like this would be good, but that's just my opinion
In regards to the texture its a great start just keep pushing the highlights & shadows in certain key areas's (the top of the chest is looking quite flat). It is looking a bit plastic at the moment but i'm sure you will sort that out soon enough.
Keep up the good work
The texture is really coming along nicely!
The tri count rose a little to 1044