There's a couple things that Max have that seem essential to modelling that I can't seem to emulate in Maya. Does anybody know of plugins or work-arounds for this to work? I'm sorry if this is already up, I couldn't find it.
Cut Tool - Yes we have the split polygon and interactive split tool, but I can't get either to work the way they do in Max. I want to be able to cut in the middle of faces and snap to verts of other shapes. Basically want to do what I always see people do, cut out cylinders from flat or curved surfaces to get nice round holes. I've tried setting the interactive split tool to not be on edges only but it just doesn't work right.
Make Circle - take a group of verts and make them into a perfect circle. Anyone know of this is possible in Maya?
Make Planar - This one least of all. I know you can just scale them down yourself, but it would be pretty cool if I had a script for it. Any thoughts?
Cut Tool -- use split polygon tool and check off split from edge only. to snap just press v.
Make Circle -- select the verts and then choose sculpt deformer. Works kinda like spherify in max. sometimes you might need to run a average vertices before you do this.
Make Planar -- theres a tool from Maya bonus tools that does this.
For more complex polygonal cuts, I use a succession of these tools:
1 Select an existing collection of edges
2 Modify > Convert > Polygon Edges to Curve
3 Edit Mesh > Project Curve on Mesh
4 Edit Mesh > Split mesh with projected curve
This tool has construction history as well, meaning you can move the curves around in real time to adjust your end result just like any other curve-based operation.
As for making planar, I usually just select the faces I want and with Discrete Scale active (hotkey J), scale them in. If a group of faces is off-axis, I use the Normals Average scale setting or the Set to Face setting, then discrete scale.
How do you get that to work. I selected 8 verts that are on the face of a plane, and ran the script. The script ran, but nothing happened in my viewport. I would love to have a tool that does that.
if your just running the whole script as is
run this
that originally snippet only defines the function, but doesn't run it.
Also be sure your are running it as python code not mel.
should work just like that, but i only tested on 2012, but it is pretty basic both on the maya commands it uses and what features of pyhton used so should run any maya version
It makes things round at home, but at work it just scales down the selected vertices, without rounding them.
Can anyone please tell me what tool in the Bonus Tools this is? Is it even in the 2014 Bonus Tools?