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World of Warcraft: Goblin Lampost

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ARCallejas polycounter lvl 11
I've been meaning post my works in progress on here for a while. Let's see how this goes :)

So I've been a fan of Goblins since WCII. Here's my first attempt at an asset in the style of WoW.

Concept I found:

Model in progress:


Open to any and all feedback. Thanks!


  • ARCallejas
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    ARCallejas polycounter lvl 11
    Note: It's actually 704 tris. Not 4k.
  • ARCallejas
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    ARCallejas polycounter lvl 11
    update. Base textures added.


    Poly count's gone up to ~1,300.
  • KyleJensen
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    KyleJensen polycounter lvl 14
    You can afford to put more geometry on the lightbulb to round out the silhouette. The base of the lamppost could use some love (shape-wise). Add some loops and play with the shape, maybe add a trim at the bottom just to ground it.
  • Howl
    Looking great so far. I love how the face is coming out. I agree with Kype about rounding out he lightbulb, it will help a lot. To save on tris I'd also take the top two loops out of the battery. I don't think they're helping the silhouette much right now. Would also be helpful to see this unlit. Awesome progress, good luck!
  • ARCallejas
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    ARCallejas polycounter lvl 11
    Thanks for the feedback! Will be implementing :D
  • ARCallejas
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    ARCallejas polycounter lvl 11
    Quick update: More geo on the bulb, added some trim at the bottom. Sittin on ~1,100 tris now.


    Still need to do a paint pass on the pole, then I'm gonna do another pass on all the textures to really nail it.
  • Boozebeard
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    Boozebeard polycounter lvl 11
    Really like the texture work.
  • Dean
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    Dean polycounter lvl 9
    Lovely work, I would personally choose a somewhat darker green for the head piece to make it stand out more.
  • D4V1DC
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    D4V1DC polycounter lvl 18
    Going postal!

    The barrel object attachment to that pole should be rotated to hide that seam if you can still rotate It.
    It is coming along, cool idea.

    Also if you can't rotate it, can you rotate the Uv's? I don't know cause I never tried to do things that way.
  • ARCallejas
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    ARCallejas polycounter lvl 11
    Dean wrote: »
    Lovely work, I would personally choose a somewhat darker green for the head piece to make it stand out more.

    I'm thinking of trying to make it look more like gold or something. A reflection of Goblin greed >:D
  • ARCallejas
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    ARCallejas polycounter lvl 11

    Quick update on bottom piece.
  • ARCallejas
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    ARCallejas polycounter lvl 11

    Finishing touches are next. Making the light bulb glow. Another pass on the textures. Lighting pass. Any thoughts?
  • Eliteabix
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    Eliteabix polycounter lvl 5
    This is looking pretty bang on, really nice, can I ask what the goblin "mask" is supposed to be made out of though? if its wooden/painted I think itd be really nice do have some areas where the paint has worn off etc/some wood grain etc.

    Also, are you leaving the bulb itself as a semi transparent material or do you plan to paint in some texture?

    would be great to see flats for this when its done, love seeing painterly maps.
  • ARCallejas
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    ARCallejas polycounter lvl 11

    I'm thinking gold. Which is kind of tricky to represent with just a diffuse. Definately gonna add a few dents and stuff.

    To match the in-game lightbulbs, the glass will be transparent. The wire inside will glow though.

    I'll throw the maps up as soon as I'm done! But for now, It's time to take a break and listen to some good music ;)
  • Xelan101
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    Xelan101 polycounter lvl 14
    I'm thinking gold. Which is kind of tricky to represent with just a diffuse. Definately gonna add a few dents and stuff.If you're painting gold some of the best quick tips I've found would be

    -The shadows should be fairly dark and tend towards a very saturated orange-brown color
    -The main mass of color should be a yellow-orange
    -Only the brightest points should approach an actual yellow and even then fairly desaturated since they'll be close in value the the highlights, which would be a near-white yellow color

    tldr: keep most of your values (like 70% maybe) in a darker orange-brown range and only approach yellow near your brighest points.
  • ARCallejas
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    ARCallejas polycounter lvl 11
    Almost there! Just wanted to get some last bit of feedback before I call it done :D


    Consistent colors and Wireframe (1,120 tris)

    256x3 32x1

    All feedback is welcome! Thank you everyone who's commented already :D
  • lishaleston
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    lishaleston polycounter lvl 8
    I think this looks really great, especially the work that you've done on the face. The texturing has developed really well. I really enjoy the little texture detail on the battery thing. I think you can push the texture on the coil chord things more. They don't look as polished, same I think for the tape/rope. you could also paint shows where different objects are touching each other.
  • ashleighmills
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    ashleighmills polycounter lvl 8
    I would say have some cooler shadow colors everywhere like you do in the gold. It's looking really good though! Such a fun project.
  • pearlzu
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    pearlzu polycounter lvl 7
    I agree with ashleighmills, it looks next to perfect for the WoW world, but a few more painted in shadows could add a finishing touch to it.
  • pixelb
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    pixelb greentooth
    It looks like the texture was colored via a gradient map. Not a bad way of working per se, but it could stand some more subtle hue variation overall, especially on the golden bits.

    Looks real nice, you did a great job with the UV layout which is oh-so-important on these WoW-type props.
  • Andy H
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    Andy H polycounter lvl 8
    pixelb wrote: »
    It looks like the texture was colored via a gradient map. Not a bad way of working per se, but it could stand some more subtle hue variation overall, especially on the golden bits.

    Looks real nice, you did a great job with the UV layout which is oh-so-important on these WoW-type props.

    Echoing this, your UV Layout is solid for this piece, just give it some little hints of hue shifts here and there and perhaps some more ambient occlusion, especially where the oil/battery can is strapped on. Really love the silhouette of this though!
  • ARCallejas
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    ARCallejas polycounter lvl 11


    Unlike the previous screenshots, this is all lit with a single skylight. All the shading is done in-texture.
  • ARCallejas
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    ARCallejas polycounter lvl 11
  • Fenyce
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    Fenyce polycounter lvl 11
    That textue is awesome!
    I really think you improved it a lot!
  • Jeff Parrott
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    Jeff Parrott polycounter lvl 19
    Like the concept. Texture is definitely improving but I would say push the contrast more. Also your shadows are very monotone and need to have color worked in.

    Also you need to push more gradients and local highlights with this (things at the bottom will have a less bright highlight, etc than the top near the light).

    The goblin face looks super glued on to the this. Add a wrap, chains or something to fix it on there.

    As far as your texture usage there is no reason this needs to be on 3 textures. I would pack all this into 1 square or 1:2 texture. At least in the future.

    WOW has really sophisticated color usage and I would either simplify your palette or adjust some of your color work. You're using a lot of color but the harmony is off. A vertical gradient could help tie it together easily.

    Some of the poly usage doesn't make much sense to me. The poly (huge silhouette) has like 1 split at the bottom. It looks very low poly. But the sides around on the tubing is crazy high. Reduce the tubes and spend some more making the silhouette of the vertical pole more interesting. Add another loop, model in a nice cut that reads well in silhouette.

    I did a few of these things in a quick PO. Not all of it is there. But I know PO help me a ton.

    My gut on this is you're getting project goggles and going 'yeah this looks hot' only you'll wake up at 8am the next day (figuratively) and go 'what did I do?'. I would recommend to take a break from this. Take a day or 2 off. Start a new Goblin dude in WOW and run around for a day. Get a sense of the world without looking at your work. Then go back and you'll notice your eye for this will be sharper and more critical.

  • ARCallejas
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    ARCallejas polycounter lvl 11
    Haha, a break actually sounds pretty nice. Thanks for the PO. I'll take a look at that again in a few days :D
  • ARCallejas
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    ARCallejas polycounter lvl 11
    Cool, I think I'm ready to call this piece finished. Thanks everyone for your feedback!

  • Yuke
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    Yuke polycounter lvl 5
    Yay this piece is finished! It looks great, personally I think you really really nailed the style and I like that making it modularly allowed you to make a few variations.

    What are the texture sizes? 256x3 32x1 as you said in an earlier post?
  • _DeadPixel_
  • joshmtyler
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    joshmtyler polycounter lvl 5
    I love it! I would honestly just say fuck it and add the extra triangles to the light bulb. I don't think 20 more will destroy your poly count.
  • Tobbo
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    Tobbo polycounter lvl 11
    This turned out fantastic!
  • ARCallejas
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    ARCallejas polycounter lvl 11
    @Yuke: Yup! All 256s and the 32. I've got some other stuff I need to catch up on, but I'm gonna go back and use on of my channels on the 32 to make a glow card.

    @joshmtyler Thanks! My fear is that by making it too round that it wont feel angular enough for WoW haha.
  • Umar6419
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    Umar6419 polycounter lvl 7
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