Hey there guys my name is Andy and this is an environment I have been working on an for some time as part of my final year project at uni; and believe it or not this is the first time I have ever used UDK. . I have had loads of set backs and am still experiencing some but I'm almost done now.
he main problem I am experiencing at the moment is strange striped shadows on my terrain. Had a little look round the other forum threads and I think it may be something to do with shadowdepthbias. but still haven't found anything thats helped. I have a dominant directional light in the scene and both static and dynamic objects in it too. Any help would be much appreciated as I have done a video fly through but the shadows are making it look crap!
Here's a link to the album on imgur

Also if there are static objects and no moving light you might be better off to bake the lighting for those object and the landscape/terrain.
Alternatively you can switch to DX11. I know it has its own issues and drawbacks, but shadow acne is only a minor here due to a higher depth buffer precision (which is btw. the main reason for all the nasty shadow acne in DX9).