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Mazda hatchback video game asset

Just completed my Mazda hatchback game model... Start the critic process, I need it...





  • JustGarry
    Offline / Send Message
    JustGarry polycounter lvl 4
    I'm not sure your texture size needs to be that big, for the amount of detail on there, looking at it I thought it was more like 256 or 512 max. Same goes for the wheels, they could fit onto a tiny map, or even occupy a little space on the larger car map. You could get a whole environment onto a 2048x2048 map, especially for low poly game assets such as this.

    An easy way to check if your map is too big is to simply resize it to 512 for example in Photoshop and just test it, I bet you won't lose any detail.

    In terms of modelling it's good, and the poly count is very good aswell.

    Hope this helps, sorry if it seems a little harsh!
  • Plyomet
    Could we see a wireframe shot?

    Modelling-wise it looks great for the polys.

    As above, the texture seems a bit shoddy. Very noisy, the eyes can't really rest on it.
    Are the streaks blood? If there's that much blood on the car then I'd expect some body damage, if it's rust then that's not how rust forms on bodywork.

    A solid start, give the texture some more thought and you'll be away!
  • SamFisher45
    Plyomet wrote: »
    Could we see a wireframe shot?

    Modelling-wise it looks great for the polys.

    As above, the texture seems a bit shoddy. Very noisy, the eyes can't really rest on it.
    Are the streaks blood? If there's that much blood on the car then I'd expect some body damage, if it's rust then that's not how rust forms on bodywork.

    A solid start, give the texture some more thought and you'll be away!

    It was meant to be rust... long used car without any repairing, you know, bit like the cars in farcry 2.
  • SamFisher45

    Here's a little breakdown I did
  • SamFisher45
    Here's a wireframe of the low poly model

  • SamFisher45
    JustGarry wrote: »
    I'm not sure your texture size needs to be that big, for the amount of detail on there, looking at it I thought it was more like 256 or 512 max. Same goes for the wheels, they could fit onto a tiny map, or even occupy a little space on the larger car map. You could get a whole environment onto a 2048x2048 map, especially for low poly game assets such as this.

    An easy way to check if your map is too big is to simply resize it to 512 for example in Photoshop and just test it, I bet you won't lose any detail.

    In terms of modelling it's good, and the poly count is very good aswell.

    Hope this helps, sorry if it seems a little harsh!

    Hey, I re-sized the maps to 512 by 512 for the car and 128 by 128 for the wheels and damn you were right, not much loss in detail from a distance. Though we can see the pixelation if we go really close... Here's a few renders...




  • garriola83
    Offline / Send Message
    garriola83 greentooth
    Its an ok model but the thing that need to improve is the texture. a couple of things...

    - your texture seems to be all over the place. the detailing doesnt make sense. the rust seems to even and is just all over. if you look at rusted cars, there are HUGE parts of rust then small. its about contrast when it comes to textures.
    - im sure like all cars, this mazda isnt made of metall all over, you have rust on the bumpers, where there shouldnt be. also some carried over the glass...
    - your texture needs edging. what i mean is that most of the wear and tear will be around the corners/edges of the material. look closely at games that influence you and your texturing. also look more closely at the concept. observe more.
    - theres no AO on places that seperates the parts of the car. look at the windshield and how it just blends right in with the hood of the car. there should be some shadowing or more detail there. the places im talking about are the recessed areas where light shouldnt bounce around.
    - the detailing overall....seem to have the same opacity and depth. that makes your texture job very even. even means boring. certain parts should be accented while others should have emphasis. remember that.

    good luck
  • Plyomet
    To give you a little reference: rusty-mg.jpg

    Rust doesn't tend to form in streaks. It usually starts with a chip in the paint work and then spreads outwards from that point as the metal underneath corrodes. So it should spread non-uniformally outward from that point.

    It may only be me, but it wasn't really reading as rust at first glance.
    Good job on lowering the res of the texture though, definitely more fitting.
  • SamFisher45
    Plyomet wrote: »
    To give you a little reference: rusty-mg.jpg

    Rust doesn't tend to form in streaks. It usually starts with a chip in the paint work and then spreads outwards from that point as the metal underneath corrodes. So it should spread non-uniformally outward from that point.

    It may only be me, but it wasn't really reading as rust at first glance.
    Good job on lowering the res of the texture though, definitely more fitting.
    Okay... that was great. I'll start to work converting the rust-streaks to patches. I cut off this rust pattern from a stock photo and placed it...
  • Plyomet
    Hey, I'm just trying to help and may well be wrong. The general consensus is that the texture isn't quite there yet, and I'm just spit balling ideas as to why that may be.
    Garriola83 made some excellent points. Try going from their post first.
  • SamFisher45
    Plyomet wrote: »
    Hey, I'm just trying to help and may well be wrong. The general consensus is that the texture isn't quite there yet, and I'm just spit balling ideas as to why that may be.
    Garriola83 made some excellent points. Try going from their post first.

    No problem man, any help is appreciated. I am a bit noob in this field, so I take any suggestions by anyone... thanks for the help :)
  • X-One
    Offline / Send Message
    X-One polycounter lvl 18
    The crits are pretty accurate. Rust can form in streaks like yours, but you have to think about why and when it occurs.

    Streaks along the side of the body would suggest that car grazed against something while moving. The problem is that besides the rust, there doesn't appear to be any damage to the body of the car. The streaks on the hood could probably only be explained by someone keying the crap out of it (which is pretty unfeasible).

    Check out the reference stock photo that you grabbed the rust from and really break down why it formed the way it did. Once you begin to understand the properties of materials, your texturing will take off.
  • SamFisher45
    How about now guys? Had some fun with the model actually :P

  • Obscura
    Offline / Send Message
    Obscura grand marshal polycounter
    Maybe I should not say this, but currently it looks like (reminds me to) someone vomited the whole car :/ sry
  • SamFisher45
    Obscura wrote: »
    Maybe I should not say this, but currently it looks like (reminds me to) someone vomited the whole car :/ sry

    Yeah no problem :D It was just for fun. I put a lot of bird droppings on the car, though it doesn't look like much through a 512 by 512 map. ha ha. Will post actual textures soon.
  • KartoonHead
    Offline / Send Message
    KartoonHead polycounter lvl 4
    Far too noisy, looks very rushed and messy, block out your base colours and materials first, get the material reading properly, then detail it. Think about the scale of your details relative to the size of the prop, and given that you want it absolutely incredibly beaten to death, why are the tyres fully inflated, the windows intact, the body parts all still attached and the lights on?

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