Hey Guys, Having problems baking a mirrored normal map, pictures will prob explain better than I can
- ALL faces set to one smoothing group
- MirroredGeo set to different smooting groups
- Normal map in diffuse Channel
- The UVs
As you can see, when all faces are set to one smooth group I get a weird offset seam, any ideas? any help would be appreciated
-Mirror the mesh over, set the correct smoothing groups (in this case it seems you want it in 1 sm), offset the UV's of the mirrored part, then bake
-Bake 1 half, mirror after it has been baked?
Thanks for the reply man
maybe also worth mentioning what program you are using to show your normal map.
The reason you offset UV's is because else it will render to the same UV's twice, and that can cause artifacts.
For 3dsmax:
Just select the mirrored polygons (and check your model if you have the right ones), then just click the little box in the bottom left corner called "Absolute/relative typ-ins".
and in the boxes next to it, just type in 1 or -1 in either U or V, doesn't matter wich one. (and then just deselect your UV's and it will jump to it's new location).