Hello everyone,
Not sure if its showing everywhere yet but me and my girlfriend went to see Oblivion with MR cruise in the lead. I did not expect anything amazing except for some nice visual when sitting down in the cinema. Well was I in for a surprise! The movie was fantastic with a spectacular end to it as well. The soundtrack has been on loop for me all evening as well. Tron level awesomeness... I highly recommend this film to folks! That's all I have to say. No spoilers from me. Go see it and enjoy!
PS I want a bubbleship... that thing is just too dang awesome!
i'm interested in the visuals (was filmed in iceland?) but that's about it.
Also, apparently the acting was also very rigid? Can't say since I haven't see it, but alot of people are making the joke that Oblivion is oblivious.
Both me and my friend were able to figure out what the "big twist" was 15 minutes into the movie.
I cannot recommend seeing it
Might be another tron legacy though where 3 people like it and everyone else can't stand it. ......I loved it haha
Check Tropfest Australia finalists. For example Cargo, which is probably one of the best Zombie movies ever and additionaly 7 minutes of great story with no words.
I mean it follows old school cliches to the letter honestly, "Man is the most savage of creatures", "We are the real monsters", "Vox Populi will bring about complete peace", "No fallout and everything can be fixed", etc.
All of these pretty much fall in line of Baby Boomer structure for movie narrative, the only difference is instead of getting hairy chested men, saving women in spandex in a Retro-SciFi ships, is a new coat of paint where everything looks like it was made by Apple Inc.
EDIT: Cargo was a different target all together. It was only 7 minutes, so they could get away with alot of stuff and plotholes without too much questioning or effort.
Also, it was only 7 minutes, you can tell any story without words in 7 minutes, you can't do that with a full blown movie.
Nice visuals and design, but the plot, and the plot twists where ripped directly from better sci-fi movies. The plot twists where blatantly foreshadowed, and it really didn't feel like it had anything to say.
I just hope Elysium is any good. Because if its anything like Oblivion I'm going to loose faith that anyone can produce a decent sci-fi movie any more.
This was awesome
I liked it as well. Someone did mention it reminded them of the old sci fi films like Logans Run, perhaps thats why some people dont like it. It did have some hollywood cliches, but you cant expect them to avoid them all.
Sure some parts of the story were not as rich with amazing tits and awww, but to completely bash the movie just because of that .. please.
I think it was great, I missed some more drama here and there but really liked the overall picture, some of the shots with the soundtracks on it were very well timed and had a nice flow.
The design too, would love to have an apartment that looks like that.
it's kind of a self aggrandizing thing to label yourself.
Totally agree with you on that. He's one of the few mega movies stars that have the balls to do their own stunts.
I'll see this movie either way and I'll take it for what it is.. a scifi movie. Not buying into all this, "Epic", "Life changing" crap movie production companies slap onto everything.
Plus I loved Tron Legacy so I guess i'll enjoy it.
Didn't care for a few things, but they really did a great job with the details and characterization of the world and everything on it. Always felt like I wanted to know more about everything. They gave you a long enough leash to figure some things out (maybe too long and heavy handed in spots), but it didn't ruin anything about the movie for me.
The motion graphics and design in this movie is awesome too, that ending credits sequence was great.
Really enjoyed it!
I'd recommend watching it if you are bored or want to see a ton of matte paintings, but if not if you are expecting some satisfying plot to go along with it.