I've read this 15 times now, It's a little lengthy but it's so full of win.
I was having troubles with time-management, proofing and construction stages of environment design and this has helped a lot. I highly recommend this to any and all of you fellow environment artists to check this out!
Slide presentation from Bethesda @ GDC this year about environment design and being modular.
J/K. Checking it right now.
edit: done now.
While it starts off fairly generic, the further towards the end you go the more interesting it gets. I don't understand one part though, what's the difference between "snap-to-reference" and "pivot and flange"? I'd assume one would still need 'flanges' in the reference grid, just... less of them?
Anyway, thanks Bethesda for making this, and Ootrick for linking.
I know UDK uses snap to grid (adjustable too). I think most major engines do to a certain degree.