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3D character modelling. WIP

I've been working on a university project in which I have to model a male or female. I chose a female and have made a lot of progress in Zbrush. I feel I am getting close to being done in Zbrush so I am hoping to get some good feedback and serious critism just to help me do the best I can in the little time I have left. Feel free to be critical and honest, That's really what I want form posting on here.

The face, hands and feet are the main areas I have left to finish so that is why they may seem a little under developed. I appreciate any comments on those aspects of the sculpt too though.


Close up of the Face


  • GeorgeSeedhouse
    Some of my reference images

  • Faltzer
    It looks to me like you are off to a great start, but the marked red ares need more work.

  • GeorgeSeedhouse
    Could you be a little more constructive?? Needs more work is pretty vague. Also the areas look a little off because Zbrush is in perspective mode and the camera distortion of the picture :)
  • trebor777
    Offline / Send Message
    trebor777 polycounter lvl 10
    I'm no expert on anatomy but:
    The face is completely different and doesn't look like her at all, and it's feel made of blobs.
    Your pelvis is too short in height, and the waist needs to start higher while reducing the height of her thoraxic cage.
    She's also too wide of shoulders. You need to rework the back muscle structure as well. ClayTube brush is your friend :)
    work in low subdiv to rework all of this.
  • GeorgeSeedhouse
    Thanks for the feedback :) Yeah I have a lot of work to do on the face still it definitely has that blobby look to it. I'm hoping to get my module leader at university to give me some yips on how to really define the features because it is were I have had the most trouble. Thanks for pointing out the issues with the rest of the sculpt sometimes it takes someone else looking at it to make you notice these things. I discovered the ClayTube brush recently and it has become my new favorite haha. Again thanks a lot for the feedback, I will get onto those issues next :)
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