Hey guys, thanks to a few of you I was able to hack together a MEL script that I've wanted to make for a while now. I've always been pissed off with Maya's menus when it came to assigning existing materials, constantly having to choose Material Attributes to display a material, and opening the Hypershade all the time is annoying... So I made a little window to take care of it for me.
On the plus side, this may be useful when working with dDo's material library, as seen below:
You can try it out here:
Material List
Installation instructions come with the ZIP file.
I'd be interested to know what you guys think.
there are two suggestions i like to make .
first a button to (select objects with Material) and some way to identify the shaders that have textures applied.
to finish is a bit stressful when you move the windows to some place and you use (delete button) and the windows pops to inicial place, but maybe this is maya related.
just some ideas
best regards and thanks
I've also added buttons to switch between alphabetical and chronological ordering.
When listing alphabetically, it seems to alphabetize materials that begin capitalized first, then alphabetize materials that are lower case second, so "A" and "a" will be on opposite ends of the list. Close enough... haha
You should be able to re-download the script from my original post and replace the old file.
I edited it to remove referenced materials, but how does one also remove the new assemblyNode-d materials???
string $materialsbgone[] = `ls -mat -rn -as`;
doesn't seem to catch assembly materials? (but it does catch referenced materials)???
I've also updated the file to remove some superfluous code as well as make the Hypershade icon follow lambert1 after reorganizing the list.
first i have createAssignNewMaterialTreeLister ""; assign to hotkey m.
the new button (select object with material) works great with my hotkey .both windows work great at same time. for me this is a great worflow.fast to change materials if i need.(you interface is great and simple) (clicking material bar brings atributes editor, clicking (S) and createAssignNewMaterialTreeLister "" is great to assign new shader with atributes editor closed ),i love this.
some problems im sure you know them.
if any shader from mental ray or any other engine is listed in hypershade, your tool cant be sourced.
new shaders cgfx same problem.maybe to much work to make it work with all this shaders, but your tools working ignoring those shaders is needed:P
2- the space between s and assign tool is for future planning for "rename material"? :P
3- the rgb cmy button i think is easy to costumize i will try to make one of those shaders a checker material. maybe using the assign checker shader from bonus tools.
dont get me wrong with all this stuff,if the problem from others materials is gone, your tool is a must have.
I have updated the tool already so you should try downloading it again! Any material that does not have a "color" channel will be colored pink in the Material List window now.
A rename button will be easy to add, and I will get to that later today when I am available.
here a image with your tool in action with some little changes.just small layout changes,to suite my others tools.
i mentioned in the image the rename button, if you can make it pop up a little box (maybe with annotation note as reference) to rename will be amazing.
many thxs this should come in maya 2014 by default:)
I overhauled the parenting inside the matList proc so everything should be much neater to look at. I've also added some comments to help out with navigation.
You can re-download for an update. You'll have to go through and set all your custom colors again. Sorry!
Also one suggestion for scenes when working with lots of different materials. Maybe under that refresh button there could be another one that would enable highlighting of the ones used on the selected model. Pic shows it better.
Your screen shot shows an older version of my script. You might want to re-download it from my original post, as there have been significant updates.
Here's a shot of what the most recent version of this tool looks like:
congratulations. time to organize all my scene, they in need.
cheers keep the great work, this tool cant improve much more,)
swatchDisplayPort -wh 2 2 -sn $materials[$i] -pressCommand ("select -r "+$materials[$i]+ ";NodeEditorWindow");
I shifted some elements around to accommodate this. I don't think button highlighting is possible so I went with the next easiest thing. I added a column which will indicate any assigned materials to a selection when you hit Refresh. These indicators will persist until you hit refresh again, even if you deselect your object. See below
I widened the panel by 25 pixels to allow room for a fifth button column (to the left of ), which I left blank for those who would like to add their own custom command. Line 254 contains a blank spot for this. There's also plenty of room down at the bottom between the Clear/Delete and Undo/Create buttons if you want to stay within the window's real estate.
If you refer to the image above, the window on the right is what appears when you click New. Currently, the New button will only initially work with an object selected. After this has been used once (during the current Maya session), you may create new materials without having an object selected. This will add it to the scene but not apply it to anything. Due to the way the MaterialTreeLister works, you will have to manually refresh the list for it to show up. A pain, I know
There is an issue which is inhibiting my progress on some other tools I've been making where commands similar to this are not sourced until they are used the intended way for the first time (my biggest peeve is the AEFileTextureBrowser)
With this current version, you can add this back into my tool at line 254.
Edit: I've also rearranged the buttons slightly so it's not such a hassle finding the Assign button.
here a image with a suggestion. i dont know mel otherwise i will try it:p
maybe replace the select object with material(s) with the tick i put in the image so the button wills elect it and highlight it. if you think is a solution and you like the layout. i think the best layout is the right one.the left is more like assign material and make it selected not sure whats better. the righ one will make no problem assigning materials too.
I think having to click Refresh every so often is a fair exchange for the convenience the tool provides!
Also, if I'm wrong about this I'd love to know haha. I could make my tools so much better!
if i undestand you mean the (thick) solution will have the ame problem and will need refresh.