We’ve managed to produce both a terrain sculpted in zbrush then retopologised as a mesh, and with it produce decent looking terrain with AO and normal maps. We’ve also produced standard terrain via the editor via heightmaps. What we wanted to ask is ideally which one should we use as when we’ve put our mesh into the game, its no longer editable due to being a mesh and so if we want to change anything it’s a case of remodelled an entire area on it then retopping again…
Ideally if anyone could please shed some light itd be greatly appreciated!!!
P.S Im using UNITY so the terrain looks pretty terrible regardless.
well you need to cut your terrain in editable bits. so you can adjust your stuff in editor.
It's more work in a way, since there is a material/textures needed for each part but at least it's a lot more manageable in the editor.