I've been meaning to post some thing for a while and I've been working on this in my little free time here and there. Rip it up! I have some fixes to do to his chest, boots, and tone up his glutes (as request of a female co-worker). Cape is a place holder, as is the hair. This is mainly getting worked on for a 3d print and some poses.
I'm working out the folds a lot more, still something I am trying to get down.
I truly appreciate any input!

Also, ,this is my Bizzaro print. I've just been focusing on DC lately for the heck of it.

Thanks everyone!
sorry for the lack of explanation. im at work
progress here:
progress here:
hope it helps
u are very welcome my friend
Still am working on how I will do the cape with weight and all for print, and still fine tuning his folds, base, and a bit of the pose!