Feedback is greatly appreciated :]
Project's listed with dates. As This topic grows larger, I'll update the first post with page #'s to mark certain projects. What I have been learning is mostly scripting, so most, if not all models and textures I TAKE NO CREDIT FOR unless I say otherwise. If that isn't allowed feel free to PM me. So without a further a do:
Hi all :] I've currently been learning how to use Unity3D. While what I've been learning has mostly been scripting oriented, I usually end up doing more than asked for and go on trips with my own little projects. I was asked to create a 3D pac-man style game, but steered away from the class and made a 3D Slender maze game. Yup. A bit more than just solid walls and random shapes chasing you around, but it was a great learning experience for myself. The game is 90% finished. All that's left is to surround the paths with colliders so you can't randomly going trolling throughout the map.
As it's title suggests, it's a maze made with the orientation of the game everybody knows as Slender. Yes, games of this genre have been made countless times before, but it's realitvely easy to create the environment and it carries a slight side of intensity that made it fun as well as interesting to make. So, here's some teasers:
NOTE: Images were taken a couple stages back in development. Things may differ from the game as it is now.
Junkyard (


Radio Tower:

Unique things about the game:
-Useable minimap, with consequences.
-More in-depth environment thats not just a buncha trees and a path.
-Enemy doesn't teleport. He/they will chase you.
-Is 3rd person in the final version.
-Not running around collecting notes. It's a maze.