I have been slowly plugging away at a new project making a complete map in source engine made from 100% custom content.
The idea:
I had initially started off with doing a full sci-fi level, based on some far off distant planet with combat focused in larger areas and narrow close quarters hallways (original, I know

However, as i've been working the idea has mutated into becoming various movie sets within a movie studio lot. That being each combat point will be focused in various themed sets playing off of some very iconic movies, and having movie set assets in place as if a shoot had just finished (ie. hanging light setups, green screen walls, camera rigs/tracks, blurred out backdrops, etc).
Right now, there are a few themes on the table in my head. First off i'm sticking with a generic sci-fi esque theme, keeping the area fairly busy (but not too busy that it interrupts gameplay), then thinking about making a mock up of tatooine complete with mud houses! Maybe moving on to a civil war/fort theme, and lastly another theme that has yet to be played on.
In terms of progress, I have a few assets worked out in game right now, have the main sci-fi area grey blocked out. (screenshots below).

I am open for suggestions and feedback is I progress through this whole deal. I have yet to decide bomb site placement, or maybe find a way to create a custom game mode. Still have to see how that goes.
The only thing I can say for now is; Work on the shaders. The floor and barrier seems way too flat. You need to make the normals pop, which you can do easily with phong shading.
I have modiied it a bit more now, It also looks different from that perspective compared to the first person view. I will put a screenshot up when I get home later tonight.
Still waiting. Also, the compression of your images is terrible.
And yeah, the floor should be a tad lighter to go with your other assets.
I switched everything over to using the texture spec (really weird how you have to clamp the black/white values on the texture for source). The orange spec color is just from the way the cubemaps bounce the orange tones around the area. Once I get to a point of finishing this room that orange-y hue will go away. :]