So we just upgraded to max 2011 and I've run into this problem when i am trying to snap verts while using axis constraints. when i select the verts this little circle pops up in the center of the gizmo right on top of verts. but unfortunately when i try and move the verts and snap them to something else I can't grab them with out grabbing the circle, and when you grab the circle it overrides my "use axis constraints". Any idea how to turn the circle thing OFF?
In my testing just now, grabbing the handles, or the 'yellow' area between the axis arrow handles of the manipulator does the same thing as having only one vert selected and using that circle. If you have more than 1 vert selected, that circle represents the middle of your selection even when using 'Use Pivot Point Center' as opposed to 'Use Selection Center' and when using that circle with more than 1 ver selected will snap those verts to whatever your snaps are (grid, vertex, faces, etc) but keep the spacing that they initially had.
Snaps in max where broken for a very very long time... like this crap:
And then sometimes you get...