Looking for some help with an issue I am having in Maya. I have multiple object in a scene with a single material. Displacement only renders on one object within the scene. I'm still new to displacement maps so I'm sure I'm missing something that can be easily rectified.
I've followed this tutorial pretty much of course using my own objects:
I'm also getting things like this popping up in my output window:
GEOM 0.4 warn 092025: object brick_long_UV:pCube112Shape [8]: displacement shader returned values up to 0.139216, clipped to max displace 0.0616812
GEOM 0.6 warn 092025: object brick_long_UV:pCube112Shape [9]: displacement shader returned values up to 0.15098, clipped to max displace 0.0616812
GEOM 0.6 warn 092023: object brick_UV:polySurfaceShape1: displacement shader returned values up to 0.147059, clipped to max displace 0.0594192
I've combined all the alpha maps from each transfer map bake as well and am now at a loss as to how to fix this problem.
Here's some pics for reference:
