I thought it was my high poly's vert count at first, but that wasn't it. Do I need to flip a channel?
Here's the normal map.
I'm going to go back and eliminate some hard edges so I can eliminate some edges, but that's besides the point. I checked the box TC_NormalMap when I imported too. Maybe the gradients in my Normal Map, which I don't know why those are there, has something to do with it? When I use 3 pooint shader it looks crisp but in udk I get this...
You can try ticking the box in the texture properties in UDK called "Defer Compression". Although this is just a bandaid as Defer Compression defaults to off once you save, because the game engine has to compress it for game time. Marmoset, 3Point, and other 'viewers' will always display better normals because they don't compress normal maps for game time. UDK does compress it, and it makes your normals look inferior, but this is just part what we have to deal with.
to tests try and get the normal bake without that detail modeled in and see if it fixes it.
and ya move the high frequency detial out of the main normal map, and put it in a smaller tieling normalmap
I was told the orange gradients are due to not enough padding and the green/yellow are because of the smoothing groups? I have the smoothing splits where the uv splits are and tried running through Handplane to see if I'd get a better restult.
The gradients are still there, but Handplane did improve the normal map. The seam isn't as noticeable and it took care of at least one shading error.
How do I get rid of the gradients? From what I've learned about Handplane vs not using a synced workflow I have everything right, right?
Edit - Posted the wires. I checked to see if there were any unwelded verts and nothing wrong there. I added a Normal modifier to the stack but the normals wouldn't show up *shrug*
Thos gradients you have are mesh problems, they look like improper welds on verts or bad smoothing groups / hard edges.
My retopoing can use some work since, but I'll try creating it from scratch and match it up to the high. I was trying to maintain clean geo, but it didn't turn out that way. Any suggestions to making the low for something like this? I know this isn't the most difficult thing to recreate, but any tips would go a long way.
Check to see if that is the case.