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[Feedback requested] Cartoon Character Sculpt

Good evenning, people - how are you doing?
This is my first post on polycount, so I hope to start things with the right foot :)

I would like to ask of you, fine ladies and gentlemen who assuredly are great digital artists, some bit of criticism and feedback on this cartoon character that i'm making as a gift to my girlfriend.
It is supposed to be a Captain. A Pirate, Captain. A Pirate Captain that happens to be an Owl. She's a big Owl fan, and she loves pirates.
Anyway, my idea is to sculpt this and 3D-print it for her birthday, on the 24th of April.


Being the noob I certainly am, i'm having a lot of trouble to define it's pose and to sculpt it's clothing. Would you please lend me your opinion the matter? I would deeply appreciatte it.

This is what I managed to do so far.


Thank you very much for your time.


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