So i've been a big fan of handpainted textures and been always wanted to try. This is my first time doing handpainted textures for this style, so still adjusting to it.
The style i'm going for is more towards the game Wow and League. I'm planning to do 1 or 2 more weapons thats just diffuse. After going to go for darksiders style where there would be normal maps. After going for ghibli style.
I'm currently not too happy with the leather and with the metal bumps. Nevertheless, here's my current progress. Critiques are encouraged!

There is also currently no obvious sign of how the leather is being held onto the metal frame, so perhaps some rivets or something similar could be used there. Or if the bone/tusks are holding them there, then put some strong looking leather straps around the part where it connects to the leather.
There could be some more ao around the tusks as well, and I feel the metal needs some stronger metallic highlights. Using the color dodge brush mode can actually help. Many people warn against it, because if you overdo it it looks very bad and nooby, but exercise subtlety and it can be a great tool
Btw, for some reason in 3dsmax. In the viewport, at first I thought it was seams cause of my texture, but when I zoom in, its gone. Does anyone know how to fix this? I checked if its wireframe, but its not that. I'm just viewing in the mode "Consistent Colors"
This is looking really good.
Would also be really nice to see a subtle spec/reflection map on that metal. Looks good as is though!
The middle doesn't read as leather and the blue doesn't read as metal. I thought it was a stone shield at first.
This could be an issue caused by texture filtering or mip mapping. Read about it here: and
For texture filtering: the larger the angle between your camera plane and the normal of a polygon, the heavier the filtering. The pixels of your map will be recalculated and blendet with the surrounding pixels. If the area surrouding your painted pixels is white, pixels will be blendet with white resulting in these light lines you see there.
For mip maps: The further away you are from the object, the smaller the mip map textures, thus the pixels have to be recalculated. If the area surrouding your painted pixels is white...yeah, you know by know i guess.
In 3dsmax you have the option to change texture filtering and mip map settings. Just go to preferences > viewports > configure driver.
This is how I set these options usually:
Be warned though that this only changes the behaviour in max obviously. Always check your work in the game engine of your choice since things can be handled differently there (i.e. mip map level distances).
The middle doesn't read as leather and the blue doesn't read as metal. I thought it was a stone shield at first.
@Rikimaru - For the metal, is it the detail that makes it look like stone? Think the highlights can be more defined and stronger?
@Jessica - I'll probably make a spec/reflection map on another weapon. For this one just plain diffuse. Want to see how much I can push it. Thanks for the feedback! helped me a lot! =D
Here's the update. Not going to lie, but painting leather is harder than it seems. Anyways I think I'm about done. Added a lot of small details. What do you guys think?
So what do you guys think? Is there anything else I can fix? If not, I think Ima call this done and move to another weapon.
Something like this:
If you find a good photo and modify it you can get great results unfortunately it is not the case in my paintover.