Here is something i have been working on. i have added everything i can with the time i have left. I am working on this for my graduation portfolio, its one of the 4 characters i will be presenting at the end of this quarter.
i also wanted to thank my buddy
@oniram for the help and
@cesar for always helping me out.
here are a few old render i have
windows 7 screen shot
started making some updates and touching up stuff
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im all done with it and im in the retop process
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1. Sculpt some folds in his clothing as they are currently very flat and somewhat boring.
2. The transitions between some muscles are a bit sharp (especially between the hand and arm).
3. His new goggles look a bit out of place as they look a bit sci-fi (due partly to the hexagon pattern) while the rest of him looks very much fantasy themed (I'd say that's primarily because of the skull). I'd try to change the materials on the goggles into leather instead as that would IMO fit in more with the rest of him.
1: ill touch up the sculpt some more if i can get most of this retop done soon.
2: so smooth out those areas?
3: i love the leather idea!
ps: i have 7 weeks to finish this guy, retop another 3, unwrap all 4, (hopefully texture and pose them )
thanx buddy, i made a few more changes/fixes since the last render and ill try and apply the mask change tonight but overall i like the piece and im excited to see the final result
windows 7 screen shot
Started the accessories
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I'd say his fingers should be fatter towards the hand and if you have time you should make him fatter in areas.
Don't fall into the pit of artists that think every character needs to have defined muscles to look good.
Check this one out -
The cave troll is huge and strong but there isn't a single defined muscle. Weight & posture play a much bigger role than muscle details.
Also - try keeping his poly distribution more even. (His face is so high I can't even see the polys.) :P
Really liking his accessories!
Keep it up man, this will be a sweet character when it's finished!
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baking it down but not for animation. i wanna pose it and show the low- uvs- normals and so on. i wanted around 15k polys but im at around 20 right now. i have to go back in the body and fix the face and some other areas.
so retop is pretty much done. still way to high for what im shooting for imo. im sitting at about 24k polys
im going to go back in again and work on the hands, face, and the belt skull and try and shave off a good amount.
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i missed this comment earlier but thats pretty much what i did. i brought those down a lot and im happy with the count now. still wanna fix some areas but overall im good =]
my current process right now is:
I projected my guy back up in order to pose him but im having trouble with the transpose master.
my guy poses decently well but my gear does not want to go in place. is there a way to fix or make this better?
here is the new mesh.
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even with a simple pose with the transpose master i get this:
image hosting 30 mb
any ideas on how i can do this better?