Hey guys, once again having trouble with Cryengine xD I do not get along with this editor at all
Im trying to aadjust the transparancy of part of a mesh (the center, white part)
Its supposed to be like a frosty, crystalline glass but Im having trouble adjusting opacity, I have it working in cryengine but this is as far as I can get in-engine
Alpha test at full -
changing opacity -
this is it in marmoset with correct opacity (just swithed blend mode to premultiplied alpha)
The the lighter block inside the main mesh will be a liquid hopefully set to a different opacity
any advice would be really helpful
alpha blend produces soft and semi transparent results, you pretty much jack the slider up until you get something you like.
( http://freesdk.crydev.net/display/SDKDOC2/Basic+Material+Parameters)
Hey, thanks for the reply man, ive tried switching between additive, the last screenshot is with additive on, it just changes the opacity of the whole mesh =/
Have you tried defining the two rock parts, and the glass type material as two different materials within a multi-material?
So one material will applied to the rock using normal parameters, while the other material will be applied to the glass type material and us the alpha settings.
also make sure that you save the texture with the transparency alpha channel as a cryTif, not a normal Tif to make sure that the Alpha information is correctly transferred to the compressed DDS that the engine uses.